CHARTER NIGHTMARE: After a teacher who was under investigation gets charged with sexually soliciting a student — “21 OF CHATTANOOGA PREPS 45 TEACHERS ARE UNLICENSED”
Again: privately run charters are not public… as @GovBillLee floods the state with them.
Again: privately run charters are not public… as @GovBillLee floods the state with them.
Where I grew up, you needed a 4yr degree and certification to teach in public schools, but many private schools only required a HS diploma.
We have decimated public education in AZ. It's heartbreaking to see so many states following our lead. Looking at you, TN, MO, and KY.
The state must create regulations and best practices that charter schools should be required to adhere to.
Marketing this as a charter school problem is a very poor way to define the problem.
Other than schools created long ago called charter, today, charter school implies a public-ally funded and sanctioned by district school.
A high % of uncertified teachers is a BAD approach.
They were schools CHARTERED to test some defined different approach than “neighborhood public schools.” Many charter schools are public and have the same or higher standards. Some are
Charter schools, if done how they were meant to be, will steer standard
But that takes good governance and understanding what charter schools were for at their foundation.
ONLY public schools must accept and educate every child regardless of disability or learning issues.
And often Charter schools have few if any teachers with teaching degrees.