This is the new Republican battleplan against Americans. It's called TRICKLE DOWN SUPPRESSION. It works in every industry. 1. Stop the flow of money to the industry. 2. This stops the flow of service to American citizens. 3. The industry collapses. 4. People loose their jobs, homes and credit.
Perfect example of Trump destroying commerce instead of building it. Taking away farmers’ loans for new equipment, breaking bad on their contracts to feed people, and the kicker, JD Vance started a business called AcreTrader that let’s foreign investors come in and buy up distressed properties.
Meanwhile in Canada, food banks benefit from US food donations from grocery stores who can't sell US products.
(We shouldn't need food banks but that's where we are)
But all great Christians like Mike” I live a biblical life”Johnson. Luke 14:13
But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind. Psalm 72:13
He will have compassion on the poor and needy,
And the lives of the needy he will save
They’re cutting $1B or two-thirds of funding for two food programs: hurting both hungry people and the farmers who supplied the food. With no explanation, of course!
they are actually taking food out of the mouths of children to get a larger tax cuts from people who could fund all the national food backs and not even notice a decrease in their spending habits
a loving society cares about its people, their health and happiness which begins with a good diet.
hateful societies don't care if people starve to death or die of preventable diseases.
If you have a backyard garden, fruit trees or hobby farm that is over producing, please reach out to your local food bank and see if they will take your extras. Don’t let them go to waste.
If you think, as I read some replies that "blue states are safe, we still have some freedoms, etc., etc." You are wrong.
The Nazis will take over what's left. They just got started. You won't have MSNBC as you have now, 100% of the Internet, from Wikipedia to Bluesky, will be under their control...
Here in Canada all the unsold produce in stores from the US is being donated to the food banks. People here are boycotting it but it shouldn't be thrown out! Get something going like that from stores in the US.
Food distribution halted nation wide.
Donald wants US dead.
Most live on food donations.
My mother needs donations of food.
My mom is 80.
Living with brother so far.
Will not tell me what she lacks.
Elderly need most help more than ever.
And Lutnick says only Social Security recipients committing fraud will complain if they don't get their check - if they are living month to month, and their food aid was already cut off, now the check for their rent and medicine is cut off, Trump & Musk is clearly planning a cull of the elderly.
Yep Trump certainly tried to stop people from wearing masks during Covid19. Which was killing off the elderly more than anyone else, b4 the vaccine was created.
How does any of this “Make America Great Again”? If He Who Shall Not Be Named and his minions and the oligarchs hated the US, what would they do differently, because this sure feels like everyone who is not exceedingly wealthy are despised and being punished for not being immensely rich.
I’m waiting to see a huge increase in homeless, return of bread lines, and people dying from poor diets or starvation. It makes me weep with despair for our country.
Agree. And my mind went right to looting and stealing, meaning more crime. All because Thump is pissed at people who wronged him. I am so afraid what will happen to all of us who don't have billions - or even thousands or hundreds or tens!
America deserves to suffer greatly because it chased lie afrter lie.
Desperate communities should contact European nations and ask for air drops.
Wouldn't that be interesting.
Would trump shoot them down?
We shot weather balloons with $mill missiles
(We shouldn't need food banks but that's where we are)
But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind. Psalm 72:13
He will have compassion on the poor and needy,
And the lives of the needy he will save
If so, no we didn’t go to war.
And they say it with glee.
‘Pull yourselves up by your boot straps’ - as the GOP are stealing their boots.
hateful societies don't care if people starve to death or die of preventable diseases.
The Nazis plotted the takeover of your country since the 1980s. They plotted already for it to last. No protests & elections would fix it. REVOLUTION.
The Nazis will take over what's left. They just got started. You won't have MSNBC as you have now, 100% of the Internet, from Wikipedia to Bluesky, will be under their control...
fundamentally, your government wants everyone who isn't a billionaire or wage slave they can exploit to die.
prove me wrong
Nothing more that red stares hate than the poor.. even though they are far more poor than other states.
The Shelters are hurting!!
Canned goods
Jarred sauces
Whatever you can.💔💔💔💔
Republicans are the opposite of what good Christians are supposed to be
If this is what Christians want then America would be better off without Christianity
How much more are we going to have to take?
Where is the demonstration of their faith in action when they step in to alleviate all the hunger in your nation as commitment to Christian values.
And EVERYONE is about to find out what many of us have already known.
I don't even need to say how this will turn out.
Donald wants US dead.
Most live on food donations.
My mother needs donations of food.
My mom is 80.
Living with brother so far.
Will not tell me what she lacks.
Elderly need most help more than ever.
Just like they were very supportive of dying of covid.
Taking 1 for the team