Remember how Trump used to complain and bitch and cry like a toddler EVERY TIME that Obama created and Executive Order ( EO )? Claiming that he was therefore "a dictator"? These constant false accusations of corruption against Obama, Biden, Clinton, etc. which Trump always spews is fascist tactics.
Is this supposed to be good?
I don't understand the key takeaway he is trying to share
Is signing EO’s a measure of success?
Is interesting they used the same design from viral charts showing stock market 📉performance, because the idea is not to have the dumb base confuse them 🤷🏻♀️
What I see is the trend for rational thought out policy has an EO quantity rise steadily over time. Likely increasing as the term closes in on the end.
Trump's trend is unprecedented panic, bat shit crazy take over the country as quick as possible before they can stop me, kinda vibe.
I 100% agree, but my points were:
1) The design of the chart is intentionally misleading. With the hopes to confuse/conflate
2) Having an astronomical number of EO does not equate great legislation/policy.
Ideally the excecutive works with congress on legislation, this shows the opposite
You know what's funny?! I didn't bother looking close because I'm starting to not bother with anything that relates to him. Nothing can be trusted, everything is spin. My mind is tuning it out as worthless.
While learning about the Civil War (the one that’s STILL going on, just Cold) I could never figure how the rich Plantation Class got their poor competitor farmer class to fight and die to support a system that was actively detrimental to the lives and futures of said poor farmer class. I know now
You are right. My bad. Sorry.
Pres Roosevelt died 4/12/1945
He was inaugurated 1/20/1945 for his 4th term
(an unprecedented feat never to be repeated).
He was 63 years old
It’s amazing how many citizen’s do not understand the various tools of our government. Just like every tool, it is useful for some some situations. Not all.
And FDR was combating an unprecedented depression. He had to prop the dollar up. Trump was handed one of the strongest economies in U.S. history, so what's his excuse again?
I’ve never met a libertarian who isn’t currently defending MAGA and at least normalizing one or more of these; 1/6/21 attack, the fake elector scheme, 17 counts of tax fraud, 34 felonies, charity fraud, sexual assault, infidelity, stealing 2 pallets of files, tea party and Birthers.
Maybe libertarians should rethink their allegiance to the Republican Party. You’d think as some point they’d realize republicans want as much gov interference in lives, just different places.
Look at that dotted red line. It means if Trump stopped issuing executive orders TODAY and never issued another, he STILL will have issued more of them in 60 DAYS than Biden did in FOUR YEARS!
Didn’t Trump evisorate Obama for his EOs along with too much golfing at the military golf courses. Every day on media he should be ridiculed for his hypocrisy. Just have a minute at the end to tabulate.
“Libertarian”, sorry you spelled selfish arrogant misinformed fuckwhit wrong. Who idolize a fucking hypocrite Ayn Rand who took social security in her later years and paid a lawyer to cover it up.
Please use ALTTEXT to describe images for visually impaired readers. You get 2000 characters and can use speech to text to do it quickly and easily. You can set up Bluesky to remind you to use ALTTEXT.
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
FDR had to get us out of the Great Depression & WWII. Hoover accelerated us into The Great Depression. Trump envies Hoover. Truman had the backend of WWII.
The kind of EO reflects the focus of a presidency. Narcissism rules the heart & minds of Conservative. Grifting their Mistress.
One of the more pretentious political self-descriptions is 'Libertarian.' People think it puts them above the fray. It sounds fashionable, and to the uninitiated, faintly dangerous. Actually, it's just one more bullshit political philosophy.
We will never achieve any enlightenment as long as we keep on having fucking ridiculous leaders and then we treat the good ones as if they were the worst ones on the face of the planet. We’re fucked as a human species. We are stupid as a motherfucking bowl of shit.
And I'm sure ALL you libertarians don't drive on any of our national roads, drink any municipal water, or breathe the EPA cleaned air. That would be using the government and you are against that, right?
There’s a lot of us who are aware this is white Christian nationalism. Mostly the atheists and pagans. I’ve never voted for anyone who pushes religion. I think anyone who tries to push religion should be barred from ever running for any seat, local, county, state or national. Too dangerous.
Trump's mental state is at the point where he thinks that pen what he uses to write illegal orders actually is magic-pen like in fairytales. So it goes way over his head when things don't work like his in dementia pipe dream.
It's *hugely* important to remember that FDR's first year was during the depths of the Great Depression, and his EOs were exclusively targeted to bring the country out of that.
Trump's EOs are focused on personal revenge targets and the destruction of our way of life in service to Putin.
This is correct. Why is this even a question? Look up from your stupid screens people and read a damn book or hundred. Okay, going back to my movie to escape the idiocy for a moment.
Focusing on his personal pathologies is simply not as predictive as assuming he is in a project to destroy the US stand in the world both politically and economically while also destroying its political system and integrity domestically. If you start with that it all make sense and predictable.
Libertarians love to rage about FDR’s executive orders—but Trump signs them like autographs, and they just shrug.
Turns out, “small government” means small outrage when it’s your guy.
Trump seems awful willing to be like Hoover after proclaiming he never wanted to be compared to Hoover in the past. But the Hitlerizing of America requires replicating 1930's Germany as the fascist regime stumbles forward. I like making up terms. An old customer named Laird created Vietnamization
Remember also, FDR was in office during WWII when fast reactions were needed. The last time I checked, the only "war" that the US Prez thought he was in was imaginary.
In the US many foreign born doctors staff rural hospitals and towns. Cutting Medicaid will decimate the financial support of those hospitals and all nursing homes ( 2/3 of nh pts are on Medicaid).
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
Most of the "libertarians" these days are just embarassed social conservatives. They know little to none about libertarianism, dont know what the NAP is, and voted for a dictator.
Note that FDR’s EOs were a response to a danger of disintegration for US society, and 45’s EOs are an effort to _create_ an emergency so that his clients and allies can loot the place. What happened in .ru when the USSR broke up — that’s what MAGA’s sponsors want here.
EOs must be like a magic wand to an incompetent loser like the orange traitor. His abuse of pardons must have made him feel like a big man, too. He's not. He's weak and horrible to the core.
I imagine Biden's was as high as it was because he had to undo a lot of shit Trump did and address COVID fast given the state of the management of the pandemic when he took office.
I'm sad you've only met Republicans in libertarian clothing. The genuine kind are much rarer, but have mountains of pro-liberty, pro-freedom ideas that might surprise you.
Republicans just appropriated and twisted the label.
And guns. That’s all they care about. They’re the first ones to scream anytime there is legislation on those 2 issues. But ban books, force religion in the classroom, take away a woman’s right to choose, attack gay marriage? Crickets.
He has already issued 97 EOs! Biden had about 162 his entire presidency and Obama had 276 in his 8 years.
This is terrifying! Also, it shows how dumb he is. He has the house and the senate, but can only get things done through EOs. He has no idea how government works
I don't understand the key takeaway he is trying to share
Is signing EO’s a measure of success?
Is interesting they used the same design from viral charts showing stock market 📉performance, because the idea is not to have the dumb base confuse them 🤷🏻♀️
Trump's trend is unprecedented panic, bat shit crazy take over the country as quick as possible before they can stop me, kinda vibe.
1) The design of the chart is intentionally misleading. With the hopes to confuse/conflate
2) Having an astronomical number of EO does not equate great legislation/policy.
Ideally the excecutive works with congress on legislation, this shows the opposite
Pres Roosevelt died 4/12/1945
He was inaugurated 1/20/1945 for his 4th term
(an unprecedented feat never to be repeated).
He was 63 years old
It’s amazing how many citizen’s do not understand the various tools of our government. Just like every tool, it is useful for some some situations. Not all.
Open borders is a core libertarian position, for example.
Even Noam Chomsky calls himself a libertarian (socialist) for a reason.
Libertarians are allies, not enemies in this fight
The core tenet of individualism would be disastrous.
And, Libertarians would prefer disaster, which squarely lines up with MAGA.
They’re all fools.
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
The kind of EO reflects the focus of a presidency. Narcissism rules the heart & minds of Conservative. Grifting their Mistress.
Expect to see "desaperecidos" citizens in America, like Chile and Argentina in their dark days.
Truman was fighting a world war
Trump has has less than 2 months.
Jesus what a moron
George Carlin
And every day he is dumber than the day before.
Good overview of what an exec order is and isn't. I don't think this administration gets or cares to get these limits.
You’re welcome from a New Zealander :)
Trump is causing one
Stop mixing religion with public life and politics.
I wrote that headline because your country is particularly fixated on supernatural, manmade beliefs.
Read Project 2025. 90% of it, at least, is based on the christian cult and its bible.
Your Nazis are Christians!!
Unless you have different bibles written by different authors.
If you give the christians power, you get the ones who are ruling over you now.
The Divided Christian Nazi States of America.
Trump's EOs are focused on personal revenge targets and the destruction of our way of life in service to Putin.
We were in excellent shape three months ago.
Now,Trump and the Republicans have doomed us
Trump is also a petty person. Example: the $400 million that he withheld from Columbia University was the exact amount they once refused to pay him
Turns out, “small government” means small outrage when it’s your guy.
Beating all of them.
Just saying...
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
There is nothing libertarian about that.
Numbers aren’t relevant, intentions are.
Social media is filled with HATE, IG & X influencers should announce to women to cease online dating over fears of women's safety.
This trash is to Libertarianism what MAGA / Tea Party is to Relublicanisn, in my amateur opinion.
It's good to see some sanity peek through now and again.
Republicans just appropriated and twisted the label.
And I think taxes should be increased, especially on the wealthy.
This is terrifying! Also, it shows how dumb he is. He has the house and the senate, but can only get things done through EOs. He has no idea how government works