Americans destabilise the entire middle east and then has the audacity to see Europe as " free loading" when we ask them for help so our transport ships don't attacked.
For this and so many other things - impeach and begin the long process of reform. All Americans need to demand an end to this mockery of our ideals. This administration is disastrous.
They want us distracted, divided, and doom-scrolling. Joke’s on them—we’re organizing, uniting, and registering to vote. Nice try, MAGA. 😏 Stay Woke! Stay Active!
This is exactly the reason they used it... Every person in that chat knows this stuff would have become part of the official record and what else have they been communicating that they are afraid to have as part of that record?
Is this to allow them to decide the history of the admin in the absence of incriminating evidence, only? How else do you see this practice being of benefit to this crime syndicate?
There's an undercover recorded video interview of the "creator" of p2025: stated that the written/published text is just part 1. There's a part 2 that they will not release until they are able to fully establish part 1.
To completely avoid FOIA requests, and to totally violate US law about records keeping.
Where is AG Blondie when you need her. [No, that wasn't a typo...]
Let's see if TGowdy R-SC & the #GOP want to spend 2 yrs, run 10 investigations, spend 11 hrs of hearings, grill HRC 8 hours, produce an 800 page 'report', & spend $7 Million of taxpayers money to come to the conclusion that their DUI hire Hegseth plus committee are morons.
I think you misunderstand. The blame is squarely on the admin. Dems need to step up and make this big! This is a communications fight and the dems are getting clobbered in this fight. I will not stop saying this! There is no such thing as overcommunication.
they're doing this to avoid records being kept of their actions, but rest assured! Russia is recording all that Signal activity and can provide reports on request.
So why can't we rise up against this? Why are we not fighting this? I guess I don't understand why we're all just taking it and allowing this to happen and all we're doing is bitching on Blue sky
I don't disagree but we're on our own. It would appear just a shame because if we had our Democratic leaders standing up with us, we could have some serious impact
Look, I’m all (NOT I’M NOT) down for calls of violence, but just saying “WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING” while you’re not doing something sucks.
We’re out-organized and out-moneyed. I can’t even afford to buy a NERF gun and drive to DC, even if I was ready to throw my life away, which most of us aren’t.
Join an organization that’s dedicated to helping people (i joined ) talk about the issues with your acquaintances, support grassroots effort, and call your reps. That’s all most of us have the capability to do
Not asking anybody to throw their life away, but what kind of life you think you're going to have if we do nothing? I'm not saying I want to throw my life away either, but if this current administration continues on the path they're continuing on, I won't have much of a life to really worry about.
I get what you’re saying but bitching on Bluesky is also helpful in its own ways. It’s a place to vent, but more importantly these are things that need to be discussed and information that needs to be shared.
I'm doing much more but you didn't bother to ask before you posted your sarcastic comment.
Maybe you should read through the whole post before you comment.
I don’t understand either. Democrats are sitting on their hands. THEY ARE NOT LEADERS! If ever we have elections again, the current Senate and House Democrats need to be swept out of office. We are furious and they are ho-hum about it. Schumer is a Nazi-sympathizer. Hakeem Jeffries is useless.
Because once the coup happened, it's difficult to undo it. We have an entire political party in power that happily goose-steps to the whims of this president. And a military that might simply follow his orders. We'd have to tactically burn it all down. I don't think most have the stomach for that.
Because to rise up will cause him to do what he really wants, impose martial law. People have to decide when that consequence outweighs what is happening.
I don't disagree with that. So basically he's keeping us all at Bay and nobody's going to rise up, and then he wins
I don't disagree with picking or choosing Pat. How many more things do we need to decide that this is bs. It's something crappy everyday. How many days will that take? 100? 200?
We need our leaders to step up and fight this with us. If they don't then we need to arm ourselves and take all those Magats surrounding themselves around that orange blob in the white house out and I mean Out.Part of their plan is to get into a civil war. We cannot back down.
People are afraid of putting their ass on the line. Resisting tyranny isn't a fun parade with signs, it often means getting your ass beat by cops or thrown in jail, at the minimum.
I write five emails and make five phone calls a day to my local Representatives as well as other state representatives. I have protested on my state capitol And in other states. I am trying to spread the word on all media sources that I have and I drop signs everywhere I can in my city and state
Keep doing what you’re doing. Donate to your local mutual aid groups. Supporting your local community of marginalized people is just as important as protesting. People are out there doing work in every way they can.
Same! Here in red Oklahoma, I call my people every day. I’ve been to 4 or 5 protests. I HOPE everyone that has something to say on Bluesky is saying that same shit daily to their reps on the phone. The very least people can do.
I agree with both of you I'm not calling other people out to do s*** that I'm not doing. I just don't have the power as some of our Democratic leadership who are not saying anything about anything. I realize some are doing a great job but most are not doing anything.
I agree. I wasn't trying to be insulting. I want our leaders to stand by us. I know people on here are doing a lot of stuff. It's the people that have some power that are doing nothing
Yes, that’s the problem here, we’re just bitching to the choir. And FoxNews is just saying, What’s the big deal who’s on the text.
This is like some god awful nightmare.
We, the people need to stand up and not allow this to keep happening. We need to make the Vietnam war demonstrations look small.
Because your neighbor is watching Real Housewives.
Your cousin is watching wrestling. Your kid is watching Netflix.
Your parent is on Facebook watching Pete Hegseth discredit Goldberg.
Your grandparent watched Trump call Goldberg a fake hoaxer on tv
You're right, Charley. The people I work with are completely oblivious to any of this because they don't pay any attention to anything other than the two feet in front of their faces. One guy told me the other day that "at least T is doing what he said he'd do" - whatever that means.
What will it take to get people to put down phones and stop obsessing over score in latest video game?
I don’t know.
A tv show like 60 Minutes was religiously watched for decades and kept people
informed. But that world is gone.
Young people don’t pay attention to politics or corporate greed
Because Americans are conditioned to believe that *literally* anyone else is going to save the day. Everyone thinks someone else is going to be a Mario bro.
FWIW, if 50 Americans are watching someone get violently hurt, and they know others are watching, they will all expect everyone else to act.
I will always act. I will not stand by and watch other people abused or hurt. And I know better that the only one that can save me is me. I learned that lesson a long time ago
I don’t disbelieve :)
Just mini-explaining why we are here and why nobody is doing anything about it.
As Americans have been taught for at least the last 50 years, whenever things in America go bad or need fixing, there will always be someone there.
Washington, Lincoln, FDR, Bush, etc.
Exactly. But here is what I’ve not seen discussed:
Whoever invited the reporter will be disciplined, but not because they accidentally invited him. It will be because they were messaging him privately in the first place.
Were they leaking inside information to him? Using him as an intermediary?
Signal.. Doesn't keep all its records like every other major entity does? I find that very hard to believe...
Who owns it and how much is the company worth.. are they trump loyal or do they give loyalty to highest bidder?
I would not bank and them getting away because all the records are gone
Even Snapchat upon subpoena shows it actually does keep a record of everything you do.... So does signal. If you got a 35 man texting 12 year old on signal.. bet they can those records...
But Isn't that the same selling point that snap chat used.. And we all found out that nothing on snap actually disappears either when subpoenaed? They keep the data. There is no way that signal doesn't keep all its data, lest they get sued for whatever arbitrary or serious reason...
Signal was designed long before Trump and Musk came on the scene. It was designed with privacy in mind. Its main point is end to end encryption which makes man in the middle attacks more difficult if not impossible. I have signals on my phone going back years so data retention is on the user.
And the rest of us who point it out are just hysterical, left-wing radicals. Then they go on celebrating how they are really "sticking it to the libs".
Hell, the media is barely discussing the fact that Venezuelans are being reported to El Salvador, instead of Venezuela. They're 20 scandals behind, at this point
Question is, are our grandkids going to grow up believing it's all a fairytale that America was "once upon a time a great nation, known as USA" then along came a convicted felon who wanted to be king and the rest is history.
Well, yes, but this planng session would easily qualify as top secret and absolutely no would or could see or know about it even if they had done it old-school. They're just a bunch of school kids playing Army.
This x1000! There are probably numerous Signal chats being used to plan this coup. They are not subject to federal record keeping. What other reason can there be?
This is the first step in unraveling the greater treason against Americans. Of course, will the Dems use it? Will media cover it?
Well, I'm thinking that "secret" plan is out the window now? The Atlantic has the evidence. I wonder is the DOJ going to be stupid here, make Goldberg hand it over and then bury it?
Don’t these pathetic nasty child bullies know that nothing they are doing will last ? They are too stupid to know that they are inside the very house that they are burning down. Geez, what a bunch of fucking morons. Hope some B-52 pilot accidentally drops a bomb on the fucking WH !
Precisely. The Federal Records Act requires that all official communications be retained. Hegseth & Co. were intentionally not complying with this law, which very likely means this is SOP for the administration. And they wanted to lock-up Hilary for emailing her grocery list on a private server.
Nah. They didn't care whether she was locked up. Their intent was to signify to Republican worshippers that they would never do such things. That way, when they continued doing such things, the cult followers wouldn't believe they were doing it. These are criminals, con artists: Hustling 101.
Yep. Sociopaths always need a boogeyman & somebody to blame - that is how BULLYING works! Guilty as hell! 🤬 Now, comes the tRUmpism plYbook: DEFLECT, DENY, DELAY, MINIMIZE, gaslight, etc etc etc. 🤬
So, in an attempt to avoid official documentation of their actions, they each committed multiple felony violations of the National Security Act and did so in a way that is evident in and of itself.
Exactly. Project 2025 released training videos explicitly discussing how the Signal app subverts government oversight investigations … acknowledging its use is highly illegal… but effective.
Schumer, Jeffries and Schiff continue to Pulpit Pound and scream that something needs to be done. Seems like this is blatant and overt enough to get publicized by them and start the paperwork for a serious lawsuit Hegseth. WTF
Thinking as a future prosecutor, if law, regulation or custom requires a record be kept, isn’t avoiding any record of your “official acts” some evidence of guilt?
Except that their almost always is a trail. Fun fact, there's nothing to stop any government from subpoenaing ANY communication platform from procurement of communication logs. There'd just be more hoops to go through if it's based outside of the country.
It's end-to-end encrypted, there wouldn't be understandable logs, even if you knew about the communication to begin with. Your best bet would be to confiscate and check their devices. Hell, If they hadn't fucked up so spectacularly we wouldn't have known a damn thing about this.
Knowingly Aware —National Security Breach! Trump Official In Russia-His Unsecured Phone App. Data -Breached By Russian Gov.! What Other Intel. Was On His Phone! Now Project 25 -Exposes Trump/GOPs Corrupt Plan To Avoid Records Of Criminality—Allowed Breach Of U.S. National Security Instead!!
This 100%. If they are using Signal for this, I'm sure they are using it for everything else. It will make the eventual investigation into all their crimes that much harder.
They did this for the same reason Trump, in his first term, ordered all records of what was said at his meeting with Putin to be destroyed and for his assistant to leave the room so he could talk in "private."
Yes! Why were they on Signal in the first place?
This the questions the Democrats on the house floor should be hammering the Republicans with night and day with out let up.
The Conservatives in the UK (The Uk's Republicans) were caught doing exactly the same thing. Conservative MP's including the then UK Prime Minister , Boris Johnson , also had a habit of mislaying their 'phones , accidently wiping them etc.
Worse than that. It means that Trump officials could plan the murder and arrests of political opponents using the military and law enforcement without being able to retain any evidence.
It's time to rise up and stop the destruction of America.
You are with us or against us.
There is no other choice for Americans.
What will it be?
Like not voting if you don't choose you are against saving america , neighbors, and family. Indecision would let cheetoputin get us all killed STOP HIM
This* is why somebody included Goldberg. They wanted it leaked, either for this violation— or for informing public of future imminent war plans. There’s a bigger picture. A journalist doesn’t get mistakenly added. Come on ppl.
Or that the purposely shared the info with Putin through Signal. We are being sold down the river faster than we can paddle. We are essentially prisoners in our own country.
Exactly. The minor point is that they blindly added someone from the media. The major point is that they used a public messaging service that has been known to have been hacked by Russia when intercepting Ukrainian war plans. Everyone on that thread has to be fired and indicted. Everyone
Tizzy isn't someone to push to people. He spoke on tiktok about a 12 year old black girl telling her she needed to be raped and other horrible things. His fake apology needs to be ignored and he doesn't deserve any praise. These types of people on tiktok need to be ignored.
The thing is, despite signal not allowing you to take screenshots, it isn’t at all difficult to use a different phone or camera to record the chat. Given how slimy the GOP is I would bet real money some of them have records of these chats (for whatever nefarious purposes) on their unsecured phones.
This s we hole thing is despicable and dangerous. This is the most incompetent administration. If this is true and they are willing to put our troops lives in harms way it makes it criminal.
I do believe they did, and then people still voted for it regardless. It's easier for them to believe the entire world is against one man who is the arbiter of truth, than for them to believe they fell for the musings of a career grifter.
Hell, people that live by me voted for him. Yet, not a single fucking one of them can tell me anything he's done since getting elected that's benefitted them or anyone they know. Most of them, don't even know what he's done. They just believe he's busy working on their preferred fantasy.
Some truth here.
ALL digital data is stored somewhere.
No government is going to allow any communications to be deleted.
Officially, the apps may advertise to the public that they are secure, and some promise no data is stored. That’s a lie. All data is stored and tracked.
Folks... We've had various issues over here in "pathetic" Europe. Namely UK. Where our MPs and even our old PM Rishi Sunak lost/erased/changed phones and important evidenciary messages were curiously misplaced.
You've got to stop it or there'll be absolutely no accountability or evidence history.
Adam Kinzinger:
"I saw the work by Olga Lautman and the findings were disturbing: Steven Witkoff was in Russia when he was added to the signal chat. Russia has infiltrated Signal and used against Ukrainians. Very possible they have the classified signal info"
Exactly - and the "pundits" opine on the risk that the texts might be published. Right - only US taxpayers should be kept in the dark.
They must be really p*ssed that these imbeciles exposed themselves to Goldberg - probably destroyed a goldmine for future information (I would say future “intelligence” but I doubt they’ll be much of that…) They’ll be other opportunities though.
The gang that can't shoot straight. Just stumbling around with panties tied in a knot & their jock straps around their ankles LYING their heads off. 😡
I have no evidence for this, or maybe evidence in plain sight, but the worst thing I can think of is enemy countries coming here and trying to take over the American people. This makes me think that they’re doing something like that and hiding it. Step up your game, everybody!
Make sure you have someone you can talk to about these things. Like people who can look at your face and listen to you say the words. It's one thing to say these things online and get some eyes on your thoughts. But it's not the same as a real human who you can see as you speak your thoughts.
Yeah and I'm saying. Make sure you have a second set of eyes with you when it all goes down. Someone to see it too or to bounce off of. Just make sure they're human and really with you.
I’m aware it’s wild. But months ago, we never thought that they could just take over violate so many constitutional laws and not be held accountable. Look what’s happening.
When the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency says using Signal (rather than classified channels) to discuss imminent war plans, WITH the editor of a Magazine on the chat, is NOT a problem
There IS a problem
A big one
An administration filled with incompetent morons
When the President himself announces foreign policy via Truth Social what do we expect. This entire administration is a joke but we knew that already. This however is dangerous and should be addressed and there needs to be accountability.
WhatsApp is NOT as secure as Signal; although what happened with the Signal texting about Yemen, ( COULD LIKELY HAVE BEEN BREACHED), bc one of them likely was already breached on their phone! Hegseth, Gabbard,Ratcliffe, Rubio, MOST IN CHAT, have ALL BEEN TARGETED BY Russian & Chinese SPIES! 💯 ⚔️🥷🏻🏴☠️⚖️🇺🇸
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That is exactly what RET. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, said. They were trying to circumvent the need to go to national archives and FOIA, but this time they got caught. How many other Nat. Security secrets have been "signaled" to Russia, China and the whole bunch. Impeachment!
Trump won’t fire anyone. He’ll just keep blaming the Atlantic. His DOJ isn’t going to go after anyone while there are Tesla terrorists running amok. Impeachment won’t go anywhere in a Republican house and senate. Regime will not change. It keeps coming back to We The People. Frustrating as hell.
I know you are right and it is frustrating that he gets away with all of his treasonous shi*. Impeachment should be laid on the table again. You know he hates to keep any written records, and he thought this would be a way around the system.. They got caught.
I agree with this because first I think we need to understand what kind of deal these traitorous Congress people are getting, and then figure out how to make them more afraid of us than they are of the Yahtzees, to push them to get rid of not only him, but the psychopaths puppeting him out of view.
We are being manipulated, and frankly, I think this is all a big act, a way to throw the match to make democracy look bad so they can offer us a “solution” after getting rid of the big orange turd, all well stealing our liberties right from under us. I really want us to get ahead of that.
I realize this all sounds kind of tinfoil hat, but with all the crazy stuff that’s happened I wouldn’t put anything past them. Just so we’re prepared. For all we know, enemy countries like 🇷🇺 could show up here and try to take us over. I think the sooner we act the better the outcome.
Another question is why wasn't the president part of the discussion? Sounds like these boy soldiers are playing at war, doing whatever they want while the president plays golf.
Add to this, they were most likely using their personal devices. The Signal messaging app has long been backdoored into by Russia and China among others. It is blocked from being installed on most all Fed Govt. mobile devices.
They don't understand the concept of accountability or consequence bc they always have daddy looking out for them. Whether that's Peter Thiel or Donald Trump.
And this is why isn’t the right person to lead us! He won’t push hard enough to have all of this investigated - it isn’t an isolated incidence of texting - there’s definitely been far more. This administration is the largest national security breach in history
They're on Signal so there WON'T be any record of their conversation (If they don't include a reporter) on any LEGITIMATE Government comm's device or Apps! They're basically able to discuss murdering someone & after deleting the chat & they never existed they'd say. They want a backdoors for US tho!
I don't know who Jeanie is, but kudos to her for bringing to light the link between the use of Signal and Project 2025. Read it, folks! It's lengthy but it is the road map for 47's plans.
The Houthis are attacking shipping. They need to be dealt with. But a SecDef drunk-dialling a journalist in advance of a raid is not how to do this. This endangers U.S. pilots. And civilians, if it gets out of hand.
The Houthi in Yemen are responsible for multiple indiscriminate attacks on shipping in the area, the attack was claimed to be in response to those attacks.
You revealed the Why!
We were just lucky to know of this event.
Where is AG Blondie when you need her. [No, that wasn't a typo...]
Let's see if TGowdy R-SC & the #GOP want to spend 2 yrs, run 10 investigations, spend 11 hrs of hearings, grill HRC 8 hours, produce an 800 page 'report', & spend $7 Million of taxpayers money to come to the conclusion that their DUI hire Hegseth plus committee are morons.
They're idiots. And fuckfaces.
Just sayin'....
We’re out-organized and out-moneyed. I can’t even afford to buy a NERF gun and drive to DC, even if I was ready to throw my life away, which most of us aren’t.
Maybe you should read through the whole post before you comment.
I don't disagree with picking or choosing Pat. How many more things do we need to decide that this is bs. It's something crappy everyday. How many days will that take? 100? 200?
What are YOU doing?
'its time we used our first *and* second amendment rights, together'
But things are getting organized.
Watch your area.
Protests will only do so much to get the message across to a small little orange man who sputters them out meaninglessly
This is like some god awful nightmare.
We, the people need to stand up and not allow this to keep happening. We need to make the Vietnam war demonstrations look small.
Your cousin is watching wrestling. Your kid is watching Netflix.
Your parent is on Facebook watching Pete Hegseth discredit Goldberg.
Your grandparent watched Trump call Goldberg a fake hoaxer on tv
People are existing in separate media universes
I don’t know.
A tv show like 60 Minutes was religiously watched for decades and kept people
informed. But that world is gone.
Young people don’t pay attention to politics or corporate greed
FWIW, if 50 Americans are watching someone get violently hurt, and they know others are watching, they will all expect everyone else to act.
Just mini-explaining why we are here and why nobody is doing anything about it.
As Americans have been taught for at least the last 50 years, whenever things in America go bad or need fixing, there will always be someone there.
Washington, Lincoln, FDR, Bush, etc.
Whoever invited the reporter will be disciplined, but not because they accidentally invited him. It will be because they were messaging him privately in the first place.
Were they leaking inside information to him? Using him as an intermediary?
Who owns it and how much is the company worth.. are they trump loyal or do they give loyalty to highest bidder?
I would not bank and them getting away because all the records are gone
They might know who messaged who. That is all.
“It wasn't a simple leak
It was a catastrophic failure of judgment & security
It offers a 1st-hand chilling glimpse into the current administration's dangerous recklessness”
Bravo Olivia
However, doesnt mean hackers cant compromise the users phones.
Thats the major eff up these morons exposed themselves to with national security.
This is the first step in unraveling the greater treason against Americans. Of course, will the Dems use it? Will media cover it?
Yeah, that's brilliant.
Why don't we have an attack dog Network like Fox but for our side?
- should be suspect now
that just a few days ago
they release JFK docs
that without hesitation
point the finger 👉🕵💼
at the CIA as the rogue entity, maybe the sole acting rogue entity
it's a setup for some planned event
creating the fall guy
"Optics" 👓✨
This the questions the Democrats on the house floor should be hammering the Republicans with night and day with out let up.
If we only had a Congress…
No shots fired.
Scary AF!
In the words of Mike Tyson,
“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”
I think the admin needs a wake-up call.
This is probably why they had the security clearances revoked for all dems.
So they wouldn’t know that they were using signal.
You are with us or against us.
There is no other choice for Americans.
What will it be?
Like not voting if you don't choose you are against saving america , neighbors, and family. Indecision would let cheetoputin get us all killed STOP HIM
*Unless you have a journalist in your group chat.
What's app compromised
We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto. The flying monkeys run shit now.
Time to be loud. And merciless.
ALL digital data is stored somewhere.
No government is going to allow any communications to be deleted.
Officially, the apps may advertise to the public that they are secure, and some promise no data is stored. That’s a lie. All data is stored and tracked.
You've got to stop it or there'll be absolutely no accountability or evidence history.
Because what is happening is, and is going to continue to affect the entire world.
It’s free online.
Adam Kinzinger:
"I saw the work by Olga Lautman and the findings were disturbing: Steven Witkoff was in Russia when he was added to the signal chat. Russia has infiltrated Signal and used against Ukrainians. Very possible they have the classified signal info"
Can't discount it
That’s silly.
Donny made sure Pete sent them copies using their secured line—pfft, like Daddy Vlad would trust anything but a direct communication.
Not like me, Lights on a screen.
There IS a problem
A big one
An administration filled with incompetent morons
You mean accurately, Mr Chairman? He can characterize the situation accurately.
Go to Settings, then Accessibility, and make sure "Require alt text before posting" is toggled on - this will prompt you each time you add an image to your post!
I realize this all sounds kind of tinfoil hat, but with all the crazy stuff that’s happened I wouldn’t put anything past them. Just so we’re prepared. For all we know, enemy countries like 🇷🇺 could show up here and try to take us over. I think the sooner we act the better the outcome.
They must think they can bomb or takeover whoever they want