You recently warned against a downward spiral of far right populism alternating with technocratic governments. I agree. But Boris was the populist and Labours tax and fiscal straitjacket means you are the technocrats. The spiral has already begun.
There was nothing adequately convincing in the article.
Strongly need more specifics of the form "D solves problem F" and "Q will help with problem X through reasons R".
Totally unconvinced that capitalism can be fixed to preserve a human viable planet. Off to look for economic modelling on that. in your excellent book you say that a 5p rise in the basic rate of income tax would allow the 8p employee rate of national insurance to be scrapped. Are we likely to see such a move from the treasury? Could it also be tweaked to 6p to raise taxes for investment?
investment in public services by the state is a primary duty. Not necessary so for pension funds, without guarantees if it all goes horribly wrong. Look forward to reading the book
Strongly need more specifics of the form "D solves problem F" and "Q will help with problem X through reasons R".
Totally unconvinced that capitalism can be fixed to preserve a human viable planet. Off to look for economic modelling on that.
Labour and 2 child benefit cap
Labour and Sure Start .
PS breakfast club trial hitting problems