🚨Spoke with a Con MP Yesterday:
“Pierre treats his colleagues like shit. If this is how he treats people he works worth, how will he treat the people he wants to govern? His inability to address his (NatSec) background is a twelve alarm blaze, too”.
No shit.
“Pierre treats his colleagues like shit. If this is how he treats people he works worth, how will he treat the people he wants to govern? His inability to address his (NatSec) background is a twelve alarm blaze, too”.
No shit.
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"Russia approves law allowing use of crypto for global payments as it faces ongoing sanctions"
"Bitcoin is a Russian plot to destabilize the NA economy"
The entire cpc caucus are happy to dance on demand for demented diKKKs for their dinner.
Have you watched #PigeonPoilievre / #PierrePutin / #IncelPierre and his twisting, spinning #CPC circus in HOC?
Have you heard CPC caucus members speak?
CPC official opposition are active participants in harper & manning's attack on Canada. #ExposeIDU #ExtractIDU
Proud Boy Ford, Vatnik Danielle Smith, Koch Boy Jason Kenney, #UsefulIdiots #VatnikSoup
#StopTheCrap #DissolveCPC
Look to the states- and learn.
This cannot happen here.
He’s solely concerned and focused in the power that comes with the PMO.
The power to deliver this country to private enterprise and foreign intrests.
His own people are scared to death. Tells you what you need to know.
No ethics, no values, no looking after Canadians from ANY conservative MP.
"Russia approves law allowing use of crypto for global payments as it faces ongoing sanctions"
"Bitcoin is a Russian plot to destabilize the NA economy"
Eventually. Count on that with Pierre Poilievre. 🇨🇦💪