Truly one of the best essays I’ve read in a while on how Netflix and the streaming model have changed film and television for the worse.
Netflix sold investors, reporters, and the public a fantasy that’s not only eroding the film business, but doing its part to degrade film as a cultural medium.
Netflix sold investors, reporters, and the public a fantasy that’s not only eroding the film business, but doing its part to degrade film as a cultural medium.
Reposted from
will Tavlin
I have an essay about how Netflix destroyed the movies in the new issue of Read it online and in print!
After two years in the wilds of newspaperless Nova Scotia, I marvel at the wonder of a "real" Globe and Mail. /1
You read differently, and you read different things, often by chance. I think that the bits and bobs of on-line news consumtption... /2
Or at least that's the only way I can explain Trump and Poilievre.