Brussels has stepped up its investigation into the role of X in European politics by requiring the social media platform to hand over internal documents regarding its recommendation algorithm
Also, Musk will not give any documents which can lead to fines.
EU needs to find another way to fight this scumbag.
Musk needs to be investigated and held to account for his meddling.
I hope the EU hits X in Europe with every means possible.
(X is my least favorite platform.)
You don't need to have interacted directly with him.
Control Freak and Big Brother. Ban X.
But I know what I experienced on X. And that was anyting but respect.
Europe needs more assertive and faster action against all bad actors - whether they be corporations, states or billionaire bullies - seeking to undermine #EU values, citizens' security and way of life
tic Toc…
Break him.
Hopefully they can move past the “allegations” part quickly, because Musk himself clearly stated that’s what he’s doing more than two years ago.
There’s also a few algorithms, dependent on his agenda of the moment.
Weird how concerned Brussels is.