We can’t be discouraged. If generations before us had given up on democracy and decided fighting for our rights was too hard, where would we be?
That goes for you Slotkin and the totally useless Spineless Scholten of MI 3
Thank you to these people for standing up (my heroes so far)
Rep. Al Green
Judge Adam Abelson
Judge William Alsup
Judge Amy Berman Jackson
Judge Ana Reyes
Judge Deborah Boardman
Judge Royce Lamberth
Spec. Counsel Dellinger
Judge Jamal Whitehead
Judge Loren Alikhan
Judge Amir Ali
WRT your response to Trump's speech: I appreciated the (1) focus on action items & (2) framing around Trump's billionaire-forward approach to economics.
REGIME CHANGE we feared. HeritageFDN/Trump see Hungary as model to emulate.Oligarchs control media/newspapers sharing only propaganda; fired UniversityBrds replacing with Sympathizers;stole govt wealth; removed checks&balance; silenced investigations/critical voices.How to stop?
I have called. I have e-mailed. I got one response from your office that said you would reply in a timely manner.
No reply.
I'm horrified at the people you voted for in Trump's cabinet.
And the Laken Riley act.
You do not represent me.
There won't BE any midterms if you don't actually do anything of consequence.
The choice between Slotkin and Rogers back in November looks more and more like a false one.
I had to redo my votercard.The machine was glitching.
"There is no such thing as a Democrat"...just ask them.
For the last 50 years.This is why they lose.
We voted for you to stand up for our country and our state, not be a quasi cheerleader. You know it’s OK if you piss off some Republicans right now. Your term is long enough they’ll get over it.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump
Hire these guys to impeach Dictator Trump before May 1st
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Shreck LLP
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
We are under attack and everyone but the stupid have figured it out. Dictator Trump is Putin’s Trojan horse.
Impeachment by May 1st got nonviolent solution to Putin’s invasion. Btw Musk is wiping the hard drives of our democracy.
If you’re not working on impeachment you’re not following your oath of office to defend our country.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump
Hire these guys to impeach Dictator Trump before May 1st
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Shreck LLP
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
It exhausting thinking about it. I liked things “boring.”
But instead of “move to Canada” I am saying “it’s my turn.”
They got through the Great Depression, world wars, even moving here to start over with nothing.
I can put in work to keep it.