Odd. I have been thinking about Rachel Dolezal lately. Specifically I've been wondering if her life could be understood in terms of trans? Not transsexual but transracial.
“Transracial” refers to children of color who are adopted by white families and the specific difficulties they have navigating their identity. I don’t think it’s appropriate to liken transgender identities and scamming one’s way into jobs and positions in public leadership under false pretenses.
If you’re unaware, this was a conversation that got a lot of time at the time Dolezal was in the public eye and I’d prefer not to have anyone dredge it up again, it’s grossly transphobic.
I was following those discussions. But I just began follow you. Current transphobic talk that claims ulterior motives is precisely what made me think again about Dolezal. Identity is complicated. Thinking about that is not necessarily trans phobic. I apologize for bringing this up tho.