Most Americans don’t grasp the gravity of our moment. They don’t see the fall of democracy as a real threat. It’s something foreign and the idea of the U.S. collapsing into authoritarianism seems unthinkable.
It doesn’t seem to run afoul, it does! - it’s unconstitutional!! This is absolutely horrific!! Judges need to step up immediately & block it. It should go straight to the SC & if they uphold it, it’s time to leave because the constitution, democracy, & all we have stood for is DEAD!!!
The German resistance consisted of small, isolated groups that were unable to mobilize mass political opposition.
In power, Nazi leaders quickly banned extra-party demonstrations, fearing displays of dissent on open urban spaces might develop and grow, even without organization.
when a "protest" has vandalism, threats of violence (including wearing masks and symbols of hate to intimidate), and obstructing the rights of others, it is no longer a "peaceful protest"
WTF - oh I’m going to start masking now. Measles, chickenpox, polio, COVID, mumps, monkeypox, flu (just the name a few) all coming at you in full force! It’s important to do exactly the opposite of #FUfelon47 wants.
Yeah, no masks, just like the neo Nazis who March in the streets! He is afraid of us and our power. Get out and protest people! I'll be in Columbus Ohio today protesting.
Depends on definition. From ACLU: illegal protest blocks vehicular or pedestrian traffic is illegal without a permit. not have the right to block a building entrance or physically harass people. free speech activity cannot take place on private property, without the consent of the property owner.
Sorry to say a member of my family is one. The response the other day was "And you think is was any better before this?"
And she's a well educated person. I'm losing hope.
I wasn't even born but thought the same thing!! Gave me chills reading, 1st amendment being taken away. We are doomed unless we start getting some representation, Dems & Republicans should be very afraid of what he's doing
Every student needs to get out and protest now. Just as every American should be doing and aren't. The fact that Vance went to Europe and criticized free speech there makes this even more ridiculous and insulting.
Simple is as simple says.
Most Americans don’t grasp the gravity of our moment. They don’t see the fall of democracy as a real threat. It’s something foreign and the idea of the U.S. collapsing into authoritarianism seems unthinkable.
"Look how naughty these people are. This is supposed to be illegal"
F**k that sh*t. We should be WAY past posts like this
🖕🏽Conald Trump & Felon Musk.
For the dreams of yesterday
It's the sound of something dying
Saying we lost our way
First Verse of
Cry For My Country
Harry Chapin
The German resistance consisted of small, isolated groups that were unable to mobilize mass political opposition.
In power, Nazi leaders quickly banned extra-party demonstrations, fearing displays of dissent on open urban spaces might develop and grow, even without organization.
Did I forget to mention.. all protests are now illegal.
This should terrify people.
But they didn't listen.
And she's a well educated person. I'm losing hope.