Selfishly, I’ve really enjoyed the mediocrity of this year’s team because those noon EST kickoffs really work for watching the games from Europe. So silver lining?
Dave’s ceiling is apparent. It’s frustrating to watch them get bit by what seems to be basic stuff, repeatedly. Prevent D at the end cause we got beat by long balls earlier? Idk, when we sent the house, that freshman qb tended to rush. Ending was brutal. Starting to actually get apathetic.
Just frustrating - since Dave has been our coach, all three of our biggest rivals have made the ACC Champ. Have won some big games. We were told that this was the year we finally got over that hump. No more divisions. Firepower on offense, etc. And it feels like we're stuck.
Kinda glad a lot of the more ... Irrational fans haven't come here yet.
A receiver drops a single pass he's washed, whiff one block and the OL is trash... Sure there's a LOT to be desired right now but every negative thing leading to a fire the coach post drives me insane.
I agree, kids will drop balls, blow assignments, and get silly penalties..and that's just college football. But the o line is trash. They are the number one issue with this team, penalties and not blocking with proper technique are killing us. Our OC is a huge part of the issue, too.
We were due for a year like this after the past 2 seasons winning by small margins. This season it’s not going our way (except the Cal game - bless you bears). Win the one score games and we’re looking at 8-3 or 7-4.
DD’s game management has been and will always be infuriating. He is who he is.
A receiver drops a single pass he's washed, whiff one block and the OL is trash... Sure there's a LOT to be desired right now but every negative thing leading to a fire the coach post drives me insane.
DD’s game management has been and will always be infuriating. He is who he is.