I wished I was able to add such a dedicated friend to our family but I cannot be within 10 feet around the beautiful creatures. No antihistamine works. My daughter has to lock her two precious babies away before I get to her house.
This makes me sad, I am invading their home.😓
Said none of my cats ever. They are sweet and lovely cats, but they don’t really wanna touch my hand with their paw. Sometimes I just want to hold their little paws so much.
Son nom est GRISETTE. C'est le nom que lui avait donné la famille qui l'a abandonné dans mon village, et qui la laissait livrée à elle même dehors... Elle a 17 ans et je l'ai accueilli chez moi après avoir adopté son dernier chaton, LEIA, en novembre 2015. On se balade ensemble tous les jours.
My boy approves
I wished I was able to add such a dedicated friend to our family but I cannot be within 10 feet around the beautiful creatures. No antihistamine works. My daughter has to lock her two precious babies away before I get to her house.
This makes me sad, I am invading their home.😓
All that cuteness in one cat.
This is Bouvier.
Take care of your kitty, shelter, food and a lot of looooove :D