My earliest memory is the Apollo 11 moon landing. It was the day before my 5th birthday. I watched all the shuttle launches, I toured KSC, I followed SpaceX do some pretty cool things. And now when they do their launches, all I want to see is that shit explode.
I've talked with several rocket scientists in the industry at the Museum these last few years and, though it's the tiniest of samples; they've all either worked at SpaceX and will never go back, or will never work there in the first place.
It's bad.
As long as he's still running SpaceX, I honestly don't think anyone signing up to go to the Moon with them is coming back. It's sad.
It's just so much vaporware writ large, but so many people keep falling over themselves to believe it.
Broader point totally taken though.
And the capsule being picked out of the ocean.
It was so dammed exciting to a kid who was and remains four years older than you.
Is there any sense of wonder left?
I hope so.