Who's gonna win the little man this year?! Will it be the Brutalist starring Adrien Brody as "sad broken umbrella"? Or perhaps Timmy Challammette starring in his role as "least convincing working class person"? You don't get to decide, but you do get to give us fake OSCAR BAIT TITLES in the replies!
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-The Shape of Air
-The Shape of Earth
-The Shape of Metal
-The Shape of Wood
-The Shape of Life Force
-Mary Rose
-Empress of Ireland
-Queen Anne’s Revenge
-Marie Celeste
-Edmund Fitzgerald
"Junk on a Fishing Line"
"The Trash Trail Trap"
"Like A Grouch To A Garbage Pile"
How Far the Fallen Star
Hollywood Redemption for a Misunderstood Sociopath
“They Couldn’t Resist A Resistance Girl”
“The Hole In My Heart Is An Alco-Hole”
“Troubled Screenwriter Finally Triumphs”
The Feast of St. Lucy
Denim and Daisies