And three days ago, when we were waiting to see if the 34-count felon was going to jail or not, his lawyers managed to delay the sentencing by arguing that any act a president takes while in office is immune from prosecution, even when tied to acts he started committing before taking office.
The people arguing that the coup-inciting ex-president should be effectively immune to oversight if he sends a Navy SEAL team to execute his political rivals, and regularly cheers similar violence himself, seem to have discovered a peculiar sense of liberal democratic principles all of a sudden.
That's the most comprehensive take I've seen on this. Couldn't agree more. There are so many examples I can't even remember them all. I have no sympathy for Trump. He's fueled by hate and creating division. It's honestly surprising this is the first time it's happened.
Violence to others is fine in their eyes, but once it happens to themselves they whine. I'm sorry Trump asked for this and bought it to himself. As a human being, I don't give a lick about the incident