TikTok is literally china’s biggest misinformation and division app. It targets locations of people like journalists and activists and it seems most of you just see what you want to see. Which is exactly what TikTok does best.
The kids sharing Bin Laden/Hamas prop and nodding sagely /are/ supporting fascism, but like many adults with low critical reasoning, don't realise it because the left has taught itself to have blind spots when fascists aren't white.
I'll agree with the sentiment that OBL/Hamas isn't fascist, but with that said, it's wrong for kids to be spreading that shit, because it's more than just a trend, or for likes. People have been fucking killed over that. It isn't a game, and they need to know the consequences of that ideology.
because there's not really much of any overlap between islamist sharia law and european-style fascism. there's no dictator of hamas or ultranationalist sentiment or centralized autocracy. "fascism" doesn't mean "hateful and illiberal," it's a whole lot more specific than that
There's no part of Sharia that requires antisemitism or kneecapping your political opponents, in fact, there are several parts that would be against such things - Qutbist jihad has barely any changes from fascist revolution.
The kids are alright🙂
I saw Salman Rushdie blinded and stabbed in the neck by fascist lunatics in the name of God, however.
You sir are the smartest liberal.
King of all us BIPOC subhumans
I salute you
Maybe you don't?