Love all the "she's making the industry better for all women"
No, she's not. Just like JK Rowling didn't. They got theirs and didn't necessarily burn the bridge behind them but they sure as fuck haven't helped expand or make that bridge better.
I am 40 and have never known a Taylor stan irl. I only have one close white woman friend who enjoys Taylor but never followed her like gospel. Are these stans adults? It's weird!
Interesting. Gen Z fandom is endlessly fascinating to me. I supposed because social media was inherent in your lives the closeness between celeb/fan cultivated in a way prior conventional couldn't do. Or maybe the fact that you can communicate with each other makes it feel bigger than it is.
I think there is a huge aspect of parasociality that comes with having access to celebrities through social media. Being able to connect to other fans around the world is huge, too. I used to be a casual participant in stan Twitter and many of my mutuals were from the other side of the world (1)
It really made it feel like there was a whole huge global network of people dedicated to one thing, because... There was. + there were enough people connected that you could easily spend all day every day just talking about your shared interest with likeminded people. Makes it feel essential I guess
I dislike her for many reasons but some small reasons is that she’s so mediocre and acts like a teen at 34, but her fans insist she’s comparable to Beyoncé…she’s not and Olivia Rodrigo is more Taylor’s peer
ppl are just posting clearly AI generated photos of her in your replies like there arent real photos of her, a real person, that exist in real life. wtf 💀
Yea her move has always been to do nothing but as soon as anyone points out she does nothing it becomes 'wow so you're attacking a WOMAN who has many FEMALE FANS??? I thought we were feminists.'
No thanks. Not interested. Me, Dale and Boomhauser don’t let social divides divert our attention beyond our immediate community and families. Sounds like something Dale yap about.
A good chunk of Barbie is about men not being truly happy under patriarchy, the entire Ken arc is about men finding meaning within themselves, instead of attaching their self-worth to sexual conquest and perceived productivity since it deprives them of an original identity of their own.
You know what's funny? A quick search returns dozens of scholarly articles that not only use the term, but examine the trend. He's not just ignorant, he's incorrect.
😂😂 You know that on a per person basis, Trump’s plane spits out 3 times the pollution of Swift’s jet right? I am glad the GOP is finally worried about climate change.
Let's be real here. Plenty of musicians have cults of personality around them - that's what entertainers do. And every other week we see fandoms of different rappers going at each other. Same with singers, girl groups, boy bands. This isn't unique to Taylor Swift is all I'm saying.
Probably because the Nicki-Megan beef was on my mind. And I was thinking about a time I made a joke on Twitter during a time when Nicki Minaj happened to be in the news for something (I forget one) and Barbz suddenly adopted me as one of their own without me realizing it lol.
Yeah I feel like that superbowl chimp shit flinging competition made a lot of people forget that they find Taylor Swift and her fabs infuriating to deal with.
It's extremely gross how her fans are now attacking her ex. 6 years with no sign of issues, but now an album is coming out and they're analyzing it and they've decided he forced her to stay out of the limelight and now he's horrible and they'll harass him.
found her pretty easy to ignore completely though, literally only time i hear about her is the odd mention of her wrt football guy. my gf has no idea about that relationship at all. consume different media and she goes away
Taylor Swift is the most neutral figure in every way, and it’s odd to me how many people seem to want to project something on her so someone else can accuse her of not being enough of it.
i was like "What!? Didn't Miseducation win? that's one of the greatest albums of all time" and then I realized that's what was being referred to and that that was 25 years ago.. wtf
Never trusted swift. Never liked her or her music. My ex's little sister was definitely part of the cult of personality and boy! Will I not elaborate on how she grew up... 😮💨 Sad times... all I can say is Cassandra's Complex is real and i hate Apollo for it.
Writing a whole column about how tired you are of her & including that line makes it seem more like the author doesn't like their job writing about culture. "She's huge and I have to pay attention because of what I do." I don't care about her either but I'm also not bothered by her ubiquitous fame.
Taylor swift is a multi-millionaire, most of their attempts at being progressive is manufactured by PR companies and managers to make her look good. The trend of most celebrity progressivism, outside of the few that actually give a shit.
No, she's not. Just like JK Rowling didn't. They got theirs and didn't necessarily burn the bridge behind them but they sure as fuck haven't helped expand or make that bridge better.
The Spotify situation case in point
She uses her private jet more and for worse reasons
Here's another.
are you just making up names now for the sake of argument scott?
Why is me commenting on the insular nature of the piece wrong?
Trite posts about plastic bags probably aren’t a way of glossing over this, but kudos for trying anyway.
I am so excited.