It’s bullshit because he’ll offer insurance on his own cars before he lets them become uninsurable, but we should blast this out as loud as we can anyway. Make the fuckers panic sell.
If you still own one you may have a pre-existing condition of being a twatwaffle. and you probably didn't get a referral. If it was vandalized by an out of network hooligan you may be out of luck...
It’s not fascist memorabilia. By you logic all IBM, Dole, VM, Ford, Gucci, Porsha, should be destroyed. Just to name a small handful. Also, note that Musk did not found Tesla, but stole it. The only car in the lineup that is all musk is the cybertruck.
Also I don't give a shit about of he founded it or not. He makes it's decisions with near unilateral power and has much of it's wealth tied up in it. Also if you believe self driving was ever gonna release you are a fool. Tesla was a scam before it was fascist.
I never said anything about the self driving, and i agree that the product is not self driving. It is not marketed correctly, and regulator should come down hard on them for it. Tesla did push us on the path to electric vehicles, when no one else would. Ford, and GM also donated heavily to Trump.
Elon musk is an unelected official causing most of the immediate damage to the country. He has no qualified immunity so let's start with him. Literally all you have to do to destroy him is tell people the truth about what he has done.
Doesn't matter at this point, the degree of rage at a corrupt, Machiavellian, fascist, neo-Nazi traitor opening assaulting democracies & allies, attacking & stealing from working class & veterans who removed legal means to justice etc must go somewhere. Tesla is his brand, iconic to Musk so too bad.
This is bs. Look vandalism of the cars does not hurt the company only people who bought when they were the only true source of electric cars. If you want to hurt the company, sell the stock, get your investment account to sell the stock, encourage people not to buy new cars.
It’s primarily a statement on how insurance companies will find any way not to pay. But I have to point out that you are wrong. First, I DO NOT condone vandalism. But this absolutely has hurt the company. Are you more or less inclined to buy one given how toxic the brand is? Still, don’t do it.
I have no problems with people not buying straight from tesla. That is the way to hurt them. Insurance never wants to pay, it not in their incentive to pay. But that is an inherent problem with profit based insurance.
Hey Guatam I think I know where you’re coming from and sorry you’re getting a bit blasted here but there is a point I don’t think you are considering and I haven’t seen it articulated here. Tesla is a very vulnerable weak point in elons wealth. It has nothing to do with his founding role (continued)
I get that which is why i’m all for selling the stock, and boycotting the cars. What i’m not okay with is the vandalism of the cars that people have already bought. Especially the older one that are actually costing the company money because of lifetime supercharging etc.
It is a significant part of his portfolio and he leveraged heavily at high value to buy X. He is feeling pressure because if Tesla stock gets decimated the loans get called. His wealth begins to unravel in spectacular fashion. Tesla is the target because it’s the weak underbelly in his portfolio.
I watched a kid pull the door trim off with his bare hands. Laughably shit product. I feel bad for anyone who thought buying one was a good idea. One can only imagine the other poor decisions they've made.
I have seen is $151.53 quoted, for his current debt level, but he has only pledged 69% of his Tesla shares against that debt, so he would be able to pledge more to avoid a margin call. I think that the debt would be equal to his entire holding, if the shares falls below $59; about their fair value.
$114 is Margin Call time.
I heard it has to hit $114 for Musk to get margin called. Then his house of cards starts collapsing.
I think under normal conditions operating at peak performance it's not worth more than $50 per share.