It's easy to despair. 2024 was a tough year, and 2025 will be tough too. But last year ended with historic Amazon, Starbucks, and rent strikes. These get less attention than elections, but this wave of class warfare has the potential to change history.
The best way to do so is to find an organization in your area, no matter how small, and become active in it.
To see others, like yourself, fired up and doing The Work is fuel for that joy.
Just down at us, not up at them.
The upper class can wage it with impunity. The workers don't have to move a muscle to already be in the conflict. They don't have to recognize they're in it. They are.
what's the conclusion? They deserve less of something?
The act of subjugation is an act of class war.
I'd describe a working class which gets no say in their labor disputes to fit this category,
because I view choosing which workers live and die as an act of war on those workers and their families.
The only way to push back against the oligarchy is with your labour, your voice and your cheque book 💙