Continue being amazing! If ozempic is helping you on this journey more power to you. Some people spew things not knowing what a struggle it can be with weight..I wish more weight loss drugs would be available through insurance without having to be a diabetic or something worse to access them.
People don't mind that you're on it because you're diabetic. They just want everyone else to wait until their health plumets and they are diabetic before it's okay for them.
Its easy to feel ashamed or be shamed by others because of various levels of insecurities. Once u come to grips with them, things other ppl say to hurt your feelings doesn't hurt anymore because u are already OK with who u are.
Hell yeah! GLP-1s have changed my life too. And it’s not cheating. Taking a med to help with something is not cheating. I take Xanax sometimes too, is it cheating to not have panic attacks?? 😂😂
I'm glad that you are getting good results and feeling better 💜 Honestly, nobody would tell a short-sighted person they are "lazy" ot "cheating" if they wear glasses, it's all just tools we have to improve our health, and we should be grateful we live in times where we have these tools available.
So happy for you! I have struggled with my weight my entire life. A medication I take for lung disease has made decreased my appetite and I lost 40 pounds. Negative people just don't understand how hard it is for some of use to lose weight and keep it off.
No apology necessary for taking a medication for weight loss. You are in control of your life and the decisions you make. No one has the right to judge you. Be well!
What an incredible story!
The GLP-1 meds have been life changing for me as well. I plan on getting the weekly jab forever. Who knows, perhaps the two of us will meet on the set of a future Wegovy commercial, singing and dancing together projecting joy!
I don't understand the fascination with calling people out for losing weight however they want. But it is funny when they deny how they're losing weight.
And there are a ton of boomers on GLP-1 drugs! But, yeah, even GenX grew up with the 'diet and exercise are the only RIGHT way to lose weight' bullshit.
OMG so happy you’re happy and healthy 🤗 I have followed you from the beginning admired your strength courage through all that bullying sorry you suffered but happy you’re getting the help. Thankful Tim Walz and his phone call. I’m sad he won’t be the VP but he’s America’s dad keep up the good work.
Oh Olivia- BRAVO! For being so honest & even more for taking control. Of your health, both physical & mental, & for your LIFE. Can’t wait to see what you accomplish next, WarriorWoman! 👏👏👏👏👏
I am so thrilled for you! Your health is the most important thing. I did ozempic for a few months and getting rid of the food noise is life changing! I went off it and by eating low carb, the food noise stayed away.
How's it working for you? I tried Ozempic and it didn't seem to do much, but a different GLP-1 did make me less hungry and I was able to lose some weight before I had to stop due to the insurance not covering it.
🤛I wish more people would share their GLP-1 stories. It's a great class of medication that is helping a lot of people get healthy and feel better about themselves. I've been on Zepbound since mid-September and wish I'd started sooner.
Thrilled for you! We need to get Medicare to cover it for more than diabetics. Wish it had been an option 10 yrs ago when we had good company insurance plan! I know you are smart & will follow all the medical info. So happy you are already feeling so much better. Well done sharing💙!
The only thing you should be ashamed of is being such a groveling tool for the genocidal biden regime. Progressive values abandoned for clout and a paycheck. Shame on you.
You look great! It makes me so happy to see you’re confident in yourself and that you don’t give a damn what others think. Nothing wrong in using Ozempic, Wegovy, etc- they’re tools there for the using. Good luck!
All that matters is you taking care of you. That you are happy. Good luck going forward. He takes an enormous amount of courage to speak in front of all those people. I already admired you for that. Thank you for and you did and look forward to see what path you take in the future. 👏🏻🫶
You shouldn’t be ashamed, people are on medication for their own reasons and if your doctor says it’s for you, then you follow the advice. I think you’re a wonderful human and I wish there were more just like you.
Hopefully this will help you. My husband takes it for diabetes, and he slowly melted off about thirty pounds. He did plateau after about a year on the drug, though.
I've been taking Mounjaro for a few months - in my 70s, diabetic for 20 years. I am amazed at how well it works, lowering my blood sugar and keeping me from eating too many carbohydrates, without feeling deprived. You're doing the right thing! (So glad Tim Walz called you.)
I was also born big and stayed big my entire life. I had PCOS and endometriosis and a bunch of other crap that kept me big. I got on wegovy. I only dropped 20 lbs but the rest of my health problems started melting away. I'm really happy you found something that worked. Keep going. We need you.
I am starting a GLP-1 next week. I am 58, post menopausal and have lost 22 lbs slowly over the past two years but plateaued. I am not just somewhat overweight, I need to start BP and cholesterol drugs this year if I don't see improvements, also looking forward to mental health and cravings help.
I'm 53 and post menopausal and started on Zepbound in September. My BMI (yes, I know it's flawed) was near 40 when I started. I've lost about 35 pounds in 4 months and it definitely killed the food cravings. Be prepared for the common side effects (nausea is the big one) and good luck!
Thanks for sharing your experience! They prescribed me 20 zofran if needed, hope that helps. I've been reading from others that it stopped their "food chatter". I finally had a name for what went on in my head between ages 20-40 except when pregnant. And I was well within the flawed "healthy" BMI.
I kind of knew that BMI was flawed but this summer when US Rugby star Ilona Maher discussed all the criticism she receives for her weight/BMI and how unimportant it is to being at the top of her sport it made it more real to me so I stopped looking at it and refuse to let docs put it in my records.
Have you experienced any joint pain or swollen areas after taking Zepbound? I started almost 3 months ago, lost 25 pounds so far, and this week I have a swollen knee and painful elbow for no apparent reason.
I am hoping that this med helps me trending in the right direction and can help me stay off or moderate my use of other cardio meds. I am grateful that these meds exist, I am on the borderline and will happily take them if this doesn't help.
I’ve watched my husband do crazy diet fads for years, then the hell of stomach surgery and still gain the weight back. Ozempic is the only thing that has kept the weight off. He has to buy it from Canada, but worth every penny. Keep using it for as long as you need! It’s what makes you happy.
Well this crap got my partner so messed up he tried killing us both. never been like this before or after taking it. and all the problems come back after you stop it anyway. honestly I swear his impulse eating is worse now. IM JUST BEING HONEST AND NOT ASHAMED.
You are using a medication for your health the same as anyone else with a medical condition. YOU are the kind of young person I'm excited to have in the world. I'm happy you're able to do something that makes you feel good, both mentally & physically. I wish you great luck in your journey. Bravo!
59 y/0 pcos since a teen, now post menopause and hypothyroidism, glp-1 has helped me lose 30 # that were not budging with diet and exercise. You're a treasure look forward to watching you progress in all areas of your life
Petition to be your millennial big sis 🥹 because I am just so proud of you for speaking your truth and giving us this nuanced look at medication, diet culture, and the experience of being a plus sized woman aligned person in our society. Thank you for sharing this
Congratulations for taking control to help yourself! 💝 It's amazing to learn about all the benefits from GLP-1 agonists. Also, people don't realize that these drugs have been studied for over 30 years—no flash in the pan. I'm so glad you're feeling good about yourself. Woooooo hoo!!
Olivia, Since the 1st time I saw you speak, I was so impressed I started to follow you online. I am so sorry, and upset about the abuse you had to put up with. But again, you are an inspiration,and sharing your life experiences with us is exciting!
You are beautiful inside and out,and YOU shine!
I was so proud of you giving your speech. And people don’t understand that PCOS and Cushings make it Opposite Day in your body. Glad you are working for your health independent of weight. We need you around to be happy and to be in this fight. ❤️
I am also taking it and I also have PCOS. I love your attitude because it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks, it’s all about your health. I think you’re a phenomenal young woman.
I read this first on X and the comments were brutal and disgusting. Came over here to see you getting the support you deserve. More motivation to delete my X account on Monday at noon. Congratulations on taking charge of your health — physical and mental! You deserve all the good ❤️
Yeah, I've also seen people attacking everyone who uses this category of drugs for weight loss as somehow "cheating" and "not doing it right" even though they're losing weight just like fatphobes claimed to want.
Shows as usual it's just people finding ways to bully others and whitewash doing it.
People who have disordered eating can’t do what you suggest. They just can’t. It’s like saying to a person with one leg that they can run a five-minute mile without their prosthetic if they just put their mind to it. It’s ridiculous to suggest it.
You are a strong, independent, young woman whose voice needs to be heard! Take care of your health anyway you need to and never apologize! Good for you!
The appalling abuse you have suffered is just awful. I am so glad that everything is going better, both physically and mentally.
America needs brave young women like you to stand up and fight for democracy! Keep it up!
I'm interested in your experiences with it. I have struggled all my life and I'm totally open to mixing things up and losing weight. GOOD FOR YOU FOR DOING whatever you want to be happy in your own skin!!!!
Olivia, you are one of the most courageous people I've ever seen. Your strength of character is truly inspirational! I wish you all the best in your journey to better health. Thank you for being a role model for all of us. I'm delighted to see you here on BlueSky. 💙
And I fart in the direction of anyone who says different!
We are lucky to live in a time & place where we have access to medicines that make our lives better & healthier. Fuck them haters, you got shit to do
I think you are such a great inspiration, and I am glad that you found a way to feel healthier and happier. I’ve been on tirzepatide since April and have lost over 30 lbs. Honestly, it sometimes makes me nauseous, but my achy joints thank me.
The nausea is no joke. Even Zofran only helps so much. I'm glad I have my medical MJ card as that tends to get me through the really bad nausea days. (I'm on Zepbound)
You are a true inspiration! We need more like you in this country. Despite the fact I am very worried and often depressed about the future of the US, you give me hope. :)
I had a Gastric is not perfect, but the only way I was going to lose weight. Most insurance pays for this, I still have some problems, but it was worth it, I wish I would have done it at your age🌹 good luck baby girl. Genetics suck 😭🤣🤣🤣💋🌹
You made a medical decision between you and your doctor. No one else should have an opinion. You’re an amazing and courageous young woman! I wish you good health.
This great! Congrats. I have been taking Ozempic for about 4 months now. I have lost 25 pounds! 5 more to go! I'm older, post menopausal, and just could not lose the 30 pounds I gained the last 5 years. I have always exercised and eaten healthy. Ozempic is life changing!
What a journey you are on! Thank you for sharing your struggle. I have admired you for your passion and talent, and now for this. Ozempic is a life changing gift for so many. Carry on!
Great piece. I like how you mention that the injections not only help with weight loss, but can massively impact your psyche (yeah for a clean apartment!). I wish the best for you. You’re a bright young voice we need moving forward. 💕
Well, if this is really a true story, then I'm happy for her. But there's a much easier way. She wasn't lucky enough to meet a smart doctor. She was constantly changing diets. And she just had to find the right food. For her, glucose is poison. Carnivore and berberine are much more effective. And there are already many such studies. But it is better to use it in combination with inositols and vitamins D3, K2, group B.
We are organizing the 1st People's Progressive Virtual Protest Party at the 2 Home District Offices of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson to send Your messages and BYPASS THE FILTERS in DC !! SCAN2SUPPORT this EQRi Code and share with your communities. 20 January 2025 8:08 AM EST
Perhaps it's time to ditch Twitter and be around people who admire you. Good for you, young lady. I wish you the very best on your journey to getting healthy, you're a terrific voice in politics.
No shame in being smart enough to recognize when you need help in improving your health. The benefits to your cardiovascular system alone are worth it. I've been on it for over a year for diabetes and it's stabilized my blood sugars and lowered my blood pressure enough to be taken off my BP meds.
The food noise disappearing is a game-changer for me. Wishing you all the best on your journey!
Mr Rogers has a message for you
The GLP-1 meds have been life changing for me as well. I plan on getting the weekly jab forever. Who knows, perhaps the two of us will meet on the set of a future Wegovy commercial, singing and dancing together projecting joy!
You are beautiful inside and out,and YOU shine!
Shows as usual it's just people finding ways to bully others and whitewash doing it.
America needs brave young women like you to stand up and fight for democracy! Keep it up!
Excited for this journey!
We are lucky to live in a time & place where we have access to medicines that make our lives better & healthier. Fuck them haters, you got shit to do
Good luck