Hi everyone and welcome to
. In case you’re new, this is a chat to help us feel less lonely and everyone is welcome. It’s every evening starting at 8 p.m UK time. How are you all this evening? (use the # in messages to make them easier to find)
. In case you’re new, this is a chat to help us feel less lonely and everyone is welcome. It’s every evening starting at 8 p.m UK time. How are you all this evening? (use the # in messages to make them easier to find)
I'm in bed already. Going to have another early night
I hope you'll have a good night sleep then! I'm also going to bed early these days but had to stay up for thr chat (thus only 30 min).
are your injuries feeling better? #NotAloneTalk
Yeah I hope so for you. It's pretty likely you'll end up with braces, nsaid and PT... Which can work and help #NotAloneTalk
Not great, the usual chronic illnesses daily symptoms
I'm glad to read that! What have you done today? #NotAloneTalk
Oh, not great... I find driving boring and tiring honestly. Do you have any plans for the evening after such a day? #NotAloneTalk
sounds relaxing! #NotAloneTalk
Tiring day? How are you doing in general?
Ah shit for the cart... no idea where it could have gone?
I'm sorry your neighbours are arseholes! I hope you will be able to find a new place soon!
I cannot fully relate to this feeling of being cursed, but I think I can get close. (got bad genetic...)
I think it's a mix of a lot of things that can make it seem like we are cursed (socio-economic, isms and phobia, etc.) If it truly was a curse, wouldn't there be a way to break it?
Hmmm... Maybe you needed time to get around to doing it? Thinking about doing it is already in a way starting to do it.
Maybe you can try to put a deadline if you want, but sometimes the brain just needs a bit of time. Maybe it'll come by by itself #NotAloneTalk
Preparing a script is also something that can help for phone calls!
You still did it and it counted as training! Which doesn't always goes well yet sitll counts! But yeah, I absolutely hate phone calls they're so hard, so I can relate
sorry to read that. was it a productive one at least or just triggering? therapy can be very very tough. Do you have coping mechanisms? Or people you could contact if it gets too bad? #NotAloneTalk
Yeah, therapy leaves people with lors to process... Lots of strength doing so. I hope it won't be too too triggering in the process #NotAloneTalk
I hope for you too...
But even if not -which I don't wish of course- it is a step forward in the getting long term positive effects journey. Other things will be able to be built on it #NotAloneTalk