fun fact, the last time the US had a national origins system for immigration (the Johnson-Reed Act of 1924) it was so racist Adolf Hitler envied it
Reposted from
David Bier
The NY Times says Trump is ranking countries into three tiers (RED, ORANGE, and YELLOW). Red=Total Ban. Orange=Partial Ban. Yellow=Threat of ban if certain actions aren't taken. Trump is creating a whole new immigration system on the back of a napkin. Un-American in every way
The Legislative Branch makes the laws, including the laws relating to immigration.
"The law was not modified to aid the flight of Jewish refugees in the 1930s or 1940s despite the rise of Nazi Germany."
Also it had a massive impact on immigration to the middle East, partaking in the current messy situation.
The perennial "and then, what?" question wasn't looked into.
How very surprising.
- Henry Ford