What are the economic benefits of grouping up and becoming a rock band that disbands to no great acclaim in a few years, and are they more economically beneficial than being a bunch of manual laborers, for example?
Music and the arts is the literal foundation for culture and society. Without an influx of new art and music, particularly from the working and middle classes, you end up with a vapid, shallow bunch of slop, and a dying culture that leads to exactly where we are today, and soon to be worse.
You end up where BETTER music from past eras just dominates culture, and that also directly fosters fascism and the perpetual desire to "return to tradition where society was clearly greater!". Nothing new ever comes, and takes root. It's just a regurgitation of the old, over and over again.
this makes me think of how much better this world would have been if George & Barbara Bush had encouraged W. to be a painter. He's quite good and we'd be in such better shape if he'd never been president. t
I'm a recipient of the Basic Income for the Arts scheme in Ireland, and it has been life changing; I'm produtice, creative, and making money off my writing. It works.
But it will explode inflation and not address the problem directly. Will never happen because modern economists have no belief in it. Kids of the future must be educated to build homes for each other and then the government must use its power to get them land to build on and organize them to build.
I always ponder the fact their must be kids who are extremely smart who we could nurture and help grow, but instead they're working a night shift in a meat packing factory because their parents sickness benefits just got cut, and with out their income they all starve, its an unjust world for sure.
Tightening down on redistribution is mainly about restricting patrimony to the private sphere, in furtherance of patriarchy, fear the grass roots will overgrow them, making way for those who have family nurture wealth and educational advantage. A dynamic the Left has failed to counter politically.
Not only will a few of those bands be amazing, but every single person in any band will have a great time, learn about themselves as a creative person and as a member of a co-operative team.
The benefits of any artistic endeavour are huge, and don't fit on a balance sheet :-)
Not to mention forcing fledgling bands to become businesses early on seems to put focus on the wrong areas of band development. Instead of developing musicianship, interpersonal relationships and stagecraft, we gotta sell some black T-shirts if we want enough gas.
The Beastie Boys' autobiography points out that 1980s NYC was such a fertile ground for new music because, thanks to public assistance, young people could start a band without the fear of becoming homeless if the band didn't make money, and so they started a TON of innovative projects at that time
Not everyone might agree that what the world needs now is more rock bands. But the strategy of cutting people some slack in order to foster their creativity is probably valid. And likely to pay off in many areas.
We need different perspectives, not necessarily rock bands. It’s got to a point where working class voices are all but excluded from the arts. A lot of modern rock music (think English) put on working class accents, but they’re privately educated, and funded by their parents. We’re missing out
And the ones who don't make it in that field will have learned valuable life lessons that will carry them further in other occupations. Tightening down on redistribution is mainly about restricting patrimony to the private family sphere, in furtherance of patriarchy.
If they'd had to juggle their development with full time jobs they'd have never made the contributions to society and culture that they did.
The benefits of any artistic endeavour are huge, and don't fit on a balance sheet :-)
This has been my experience.