If my partner and I ever get divorced it will be my fault for shout/singing Ho-ho-ho I'm hu-hu-hungry at least twice a month in the spring and summer and daily during late fall through winter.
Also randomly blurting out Yabba dabba fruity-licious doo in the middle of the aisle at the super market or while I am washing my hair... anywhere anytime.
I hated this one SO MUCH as a kid (and still do a little). If somebody breaks into your house and steals something, you don't hug them and let them take it, you bring out a baseball bat and go for it! 🔥
The ones where Fred actually got something, like a motorcycle ride, struck me as fair, though. 🤔
Ya know I wonder if this is the first recurring Christmas commercial we all fell in love with. I guess it varies region to region with local commercials but I have to think this was the first for a whole lot of us
The national version of the evergreen “Happy Holidays, Rita!” spot has to be the M&M’s “He does exist!” spot. Pretty sure it’s been the same one for decades
We didn’t have Hess in MD/DC area that I recall. I think Shell was the big one for that stuff so while I knew what they were, I didn’t know Hess trucks were a big tradition to so many until I moved to Rochester and Hess stations were all over
I can't imagine a world where everyone i know doesn't know about Hess or the Hess trucks. I had an SUV type truck with motorcycles in the back as a kid played with that thing so much.
I remember there was no Hess in the Philly area at the time so we had to go to New Jersey to secure one. By my teens I had a Hess around five blocks by me but I was no longer interested in them. It was a Solid run thought
I didn't grow up with this but man i honestly miss commercials especially ones on kids channels i know it's all advertising but there's clearly effort that went into some of them
If a crazy person put a gun to my head and said to recite every line of that commercial or everyone gets it, well, we’d have a hell of a story to tell around the Arby’s table that night.
"Shaddup Barney, and eat yer cereal!"
They have unlimited choices and who will influence them? We had what was on TV, the radio, at our movie store, etc.
There is no monoculture and everything lasts forever now
A blast from the past!
it's a curse.
Why did they need to redub Santa so many years later?
The ones where Fred actually got something, like a motorcycle ride, struck me as fair, though. 🤔
Or the new HESS Truck even though I haven’t collected them since the early 90s!
The bottom teeth talking is perfection.
🎶 It’s a honey of an O ooo 🎶