if it ever comes up, mine is medium-small. it was average sized but the estrogen did shrink it somewhat. still works okay but i don't really enjoy using it that much anyway. It's whatever. hey weren't you supposed to be rallying someone?
If I was a US citizen, I would be as well.
Happy to say I am not.
I left the US almost 40 years ago and while I had the opportunity to stay, I decided to go back.
That said, I love the US, but it saddens me the direction it have taken.
I believe it’s called the American Healthcare Act.. you know, like the health care that Trump provided to us while busy building the wall that Mexico paid for..
Den er bedst kendt som Obama Care, indtil den blev populær blandt Amerikanerne. Så begyndte Republicanerne at kalde den ved dens rigtige navn ACA (Affordable Care Act).
Hvornår mener du at de havde mulighed for det i Kongressen?
Du kan tælle mandater ikke?
Det ville kræve flertal i både Huset og Senatet, og med 2 Demokratiske senatorere der specielt på healthcare og sociale områder altid stemte med Republicanerne, var det ikke muligt.
Jeg kan se en ledelse i det demokratiske parti der synes det er vigtigere at støtte Israel end at have medlemmer af kongressen der støtter universal sundhedspleje for amerikanerne. prioriteter.
It's so much easier to be stupid than it is to be smart, and sadly the motivation to go through the trouble is missing nowadays. Used to be someone being obviously and deeply stupid would be seen as a negative, but nowadays so long as you've got an R by your name all that counts is "owning the libs"
You are more confident that I am that they will ever grasp the concept of cause and effect. Doesn't matter if he's got a quadfecta, they're incapable of holding him to account.
We will see they only respond to if it happened to them all we need to do is point it out and no longer sugar coat it for them we need to be just as mean as they have been or they will never change.
Also there are a shit ton of people who didn’t vote that should be out targets not MAGA da next year
Happy to say I am not.
I left the US almost 40 years ago and while I had the opportunity to stay, I decided to go back.
That said, I love the US, but it saddens me the direction it have taken.
Guts the ACA so consumers have less liquidity to spend amidst rising healthcare costs.
Sounds about right.
What are you gonna do if RFK has an actual impact?
Du kan tælle mandater ikke?
Det ville kræve flertal i både Huset og Senatet, og med 2 Demokratiske senatorere der specielt på healthcare og sociale områder altid stemte med Republicanerne, var det ikke muligt.
Hvornår havde Demokraterne stemmerne til at udbygge ACA?
Here’s a concept of a fuck that I give.
Also there are a shit ton of people who didn’t vote that should be out targets not MAGA da next year