I can’t get over the fact that these are people who were perfectly comfortable staying on a site as toxic and nazified and bad for the world as that up until the moment it became unfashionable. Every single one of them, to a one, is a coward who was unwilling to take a risk on leaving until it…
…was what everyone else was doing, every single one of them was unwilling to stick their necks out or strike out for their principles. Every one of them is the kind of person who wouldn’t join the union until all their coworkers already had. Every one is a coward who’d desert a dying man. And they..
…come here, these people who were willing to stay at the nazi party until it wound down and the guests started leaving, who were willing to drink at the nazi bar until people started *talking*, come here and try to dictate to *us* what the culture should be.
We suck? Because we didn’t come on here until November? I didn’t even have a twitter account. You all have been overwhelmingly unwelcoming- as if you OWN a social media site open to the entire globe!