once again struck by how unnecessary this all is
whatever people's issues with the economy, it was demonstrably in a good enough place that Trump could have left it alone and ridden increased consumer sentiment from Republican partisans to a durable President Business popularity boost
and yet...
whatever people's issues with the economy, it was demonstrably in a good enough place that Trump could have left it alone and ridden increased consumer sentiment from Republican partisans to a durable President Business popularity boost
and yet...
He is doing stupid things because he's stupid.
it is all totally necessary.
He's a sniveling snowflake and criticism hurts his fee-fees
...does it?
I mean, the global and especially German economy prior to 1933 was manifestly doing epically Not Well
Or because Putin's pulling his strings.
He's out to make the people who voted him out in 2020 suffer.
He doesn't care about his "legacy" or whatever.
If he cared what other people thought about him, he wouldn't be Trump.
He wants to be admired, but if you don't admire him, you don't exist to him.
He’s got a pathological drive to be the only one that matters. It’s going to ruin so many things.
Musk is intent on crashing it, because Yarvin or some shit.
Trump is so out to lunch he's believed his own happy horseshit about tariffs are wonderful and mission accomplished and he'll be greeted as a hero and while this wasn't the other factions' thing, it works for them
The money isn't happy rn, either
one gets an impression that even if Trump did not have Musk's hand up his ass, a handpicked circle of cranks to serve as his cabinet, a Supreme Court that's declared him above the law, and a complicit Congress
things would still have turned out mostly the same
they never envisioned the possibility that the gears of government would end up so thoroughly captured by the EQUALLY mad
and that they would all give their approval, enthusiastic or tacit, to a SUICIDE DIVE executed in the fervent fanatical belief that their power would survive beyond it