We have several small gray foxes here and they are the priority. If you have chickens please leave the fox alone as this is what they will hunt. If you let your cats run wild unfortunately that will also become the foxes prey.
When a cat runs outside how many song birds do the cats kill?
Aren't cats not supposed to run free at all because it is dangerous to them since almost every cat you see is a domestic one, although possibly feral, and real wild cats are extremely rare now ?
Sure is a lot of pushback over a simple message.
It's not a threat
It is also in rapid decline from excess hunting.
Meanwhile, assholes. There's more than 26 billion chickens.
If you all can't respect the ecosystem we abuse for our own growth, then you are the issue, not a hungry fox.
this was a once off incident from 10 years ago and the baby had a slight injury to its hand - this is hardly on the level of a savaging attack from an out of control "pet" dog - obviously very very distressing for the parents of such a young baby & I am not being dismissive just trying to be fair
I love them so much. I get more fox pics than regular posts. But I’ve seen two human bites unprovoked. No biggie BUT out of precaution you have to get rabies shots after. So def not benign. (But def cute and fun to have around)
Oh, I'm in the UK. If you read the BBC story, the incident happened in London. I only put it up to show that foxes are not the cuddly animals people think it is.
YesvI know that hand reared fox is cute. But the wild ones are not.
why are u leaving your shoes outside, why don't u keep your rubbish secure, why do u leave your food waste bin accessible - these problems are all totally within your power to rectify - so ........
The shoes were inside - the fox walked through a garden door left open because of the heat and took them. The food bins are council issued, locking, and that worked for a few months, nowhere to leave the bin for collection and unavailable to foxes. Trust me, I tried
Sometimes safest to assume that a person may not be an idiot who doesn't think of obvious things, they may have just become deeply frustrated after nothing worked over months and months ;)
Sure, and I haven't, and that one is cute, but they also degrade living quality in urban areas. They're the reason the food waste from a lot of houses on my road now rots in landfill rather than being burnt for relatively low carbon power, and people can't leave doors and windows open in summer...
I love foxes. Just not the squealing outside my window in the Spring during mating season! Scares the hell out of me. But I love these beautiful, intelligent creatures.
When a cat runs outside how many song birds do the cats kill?
My post was about it being irresponsible to let your cat freeroam because cats are domestic after all.
It's not a threat
It is also in rapid decline from excess hunting.
Meanwhile, assholes. There's more than 26 billion chickens.
If you all can't respect the ecosystem we abuse for our own growth, then you are the issue, not a hungry fox.
YesvI know that hand reared fox is cute. But the wild ones are not.
Much like humans, animals are unpredictable and will hurt and kill for the littlest of reasons.
Sure, the statement is silly but condemning foxes for what we tolerate on others is inconsistent.