I played classic it when it was retail and then stopped playing after WoD. I picked it up again during BFA and have played it since. As for classic, I have played it and do enjoy the nostalgia of the game - but I enjoy end game content the most so that's why I stick with retail.
Not that I’m aware of, but I know if you subscribe for 6/12 months at a time, it maths out a little cheaper per month (and they often have promotions where you get free mounts as a subscriber like that, which is nice)
I've recently picked it back up. I'm mostly playing Classic Hardcore. Enjoying seeing all the changes in retail compared to when I first started playing in '04 or '05. Always looking to play with people so if you pick it up, let me know what version and server. I can help 😁
Great to know! I was aiming for holidays and I got some extra time off coming. Medical stuff. So I will be home for a while. Figured it would be a good time to dive in.
I’ve been playing Retail since the start of Wrath, so I played Vanilla when it was in its (mostly) original state before Cataclysm launched. Retail has more QoL improvements while “Classic” is mostly for nostalgia of longtime players. I recommend Retail. Choose your race’s starting zone instead of -
Exiles Reach because it gives you some nice lore. Then AVOID Chromie Time because it’s unnecessary & limits your real time choices. There’s enough content to level from there to 70 in Dragonflight. You can augment that with Timewalking (around level 10, higher if you choose Herbing & Mining as
professions), & run Timewalking - Dungeons & Raids. Staying away from Chromie Time allows you the freedom to move about the world as you wish and freely group with friends who aren’t in Chromie Time. Happy to assist. When the game tells you to go visit Chromie by giving you a quest, just don’t do -
that quest. You’ll be able to - abandon it later. I’ve got alts in both factions if you need assistance like getting to the Dragon Isles. The game’s been around for 20 years so there’s a lot of info that can be overwhelming and you can drown in. A great resource is wowhead (which can also be -
I’m playing the current retail expansion. Really enjoying it. Especially Delves and Follower Dungeons. And I’m leveling an alt through Dragonflight, also very good.
I'd offer to start together, but I'm VERY slow-paced when playing video games. I'm the kind who will do every single non-mandatory quest and read every word of dialogue. Lol
Noob perspective: retail TWW is a great expac and designed to bring people back to WoW
Delves let you get good gear to start while still being solo if you want, more tutorials, many QoL improvements, mythic is somewhat fun, and the community seems generally less toxic than 5-6 years ago
I'm currently active on the Anniversary Classic PvE Server, Hardcore Anniversary Server, and Retail. Since my guild is taking a short break from the progression grind I'm focusing mostly on my toons on Dreamscythe. If you're interested it's a great time to get into any version.
I play retail #WorldofWarcraft. The War Within. I highly recommend it. I suggest starting with that, choose Exile’s Reach as your starting point to lvl 10 , Battle for Azeroth to lvl 60, then Dragonflight and finally TWW. For the modern history of the game.
That’s an excellent plan if someone just wants to level a toon for end game! And I agree if that is the case. I was thinking story wise. No spoilers, but BFA is kind of necessary to grasp Hallowfall today if storyline is it all important to a player.
WoW came out in 2004. I only became interested in it 2012 when a good friend was tapped to write a novel in that universe. I started playing in early 2017. Before fast leveling methods and many of the “modern” characteristics were introduced.
Personally mostly playing retail (ie latest expansion), but now is a good time to start playing classic wow, with the new Anniversary realms which opened 10days ago, or so.
Right now in retail there is the 20th anniversary going on which makes leveling a lot easier. Be sure to go through Exiles reach and then the Dragon Isles, but be sure to go to Caverns Time (you should get the quest if you log out and log back in at lvl 10) where you will get boosted experience.
i have played classic constantly since it was released a few years back, then did the hardcore challenge - which is a really punishing, but fun game within the game.
I've been playing a paladin on retail for 8+ years, and I've never tried any of the classic versions - sadly because I lack the time.
I don't consider myself an endgame player, but I really enjoy collecting things ingame, specially mounts! If you're starting now, I think retail is your best bet.
Yeah, in retail you have access to everything that was implemented in the game - with some exceptions like the maps/quests purged during Cataclysm and some lore events. But depending on what you enjoy doing in the game, you will have a lot of things to do before worrying about retired content =P
I'd recomend classic for leveling and journey, and retail for end game content.
Retail is if you want to relax, enjoy content, and struggle less lol
You stream?
Retail offers tighter, more responsive gameplay with lots of flashy experiences and more polish.
Classic is old school and has a lot more emphasis on the social elements. Working in a group is often essential leveling
Delves let you get good gear to start while still being solo if you want, more tutorials, many QoL improvements, mythic is somewhat fun, and the community seems generally less toxic than 5-6 years ago
I apologize and retract my previous statement.
I don't consider myself an endgame player, but I really enjoy collecting things ingame, specially mounts! If you're starting now, I think retail is your best bet.