It was freedom for me. In a world of bullies, violent adults, schools that could not and would not accomodate my adhd, it was a little glowing window in to a bigger world where freedom and expression where possible. Always has been.
It's a bummer that a lot of society still doesn't understand the catharsis that level of controlled escapism can bring, especially to a child. I probably learned just as much in virtual worlds as I did the real one, and I felt much more welcome in them, too, even if there were like dragons and shit
I knew at least four guys like this. We'd end the night of hanging out at 1:30 a.m., and they'd leave going "See you on WoW in 30 minutes?" Whatever brings you joy, I suppose, though at the time I did judge them. 😅
A window to a world where our skills are respected, our successes are celebrated, our superiors guide and encourage us, we have the ability to help others in need, and friendships are forged from compatibility
I hate this
And not in a “you should delete this” sort of way. Rather it’s a perfect time capsule for me of 2004 on WC3 TFT playing wintermaul, and I hate it.
Good work.