D: We gotta stop this guy
MUSK: I can do whatever I want and the laws don’t matter
CONGRESS: We can’t do very much because half of us support anything Trump wants to do
TRUMP: I can do whatever I want and the laws don’t matter
MUSK: I can do whatever I want and the laws don’t matter
CONGRESS: We can’t do very much because half of us support anything Trump wants to do
TRUMP: I can do whatever I want and the laws don’t matter
TRUMP: I can do whatever I want and the laws don’t matter
MUSK: No one can stop me
TRUMP: No one can stop me
TRUMP: I had nothing to do with that
FOX: Polls also indicate that Trump is now far less popular than he was before
TRUMP: Whoof; maybe I should put a stop to this thing
TRUMP: No, I can do whatever *I* want
MUSK: I have more money than you so you can’t touch me
TRUMP: Well, let’s not get carried away here; I’m still the President of the United States
TRUMP: Don’t forget who gave you the power you currently have
MUSK: If it weren’t for the citizenship technicality, I could just as easily have convinced the rubes to elect me President
TRUMP: Cocky little shit
MUSK: Jealous? 🤣
TRUMP: A little
MUSK: Oh, so the man who shits on a golden toilet is a man of the people
TRUMP: Again with the hacky stolen one-liners