“Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter..."
What kind of "man" ever thinks of anyone, let alone his daughter, like this?
I know exactly what you mean! I was tongue tied. There are no words to aptly describe the moral depravity of that man. How do you let him anywhere near his female grandchildren! Ick!
I was raised on this and my “father” told me all about his 1110 scale rating of our family every Christmas. Even my half-sis, I know when he would and wouldn’t have
Yuck. I apologize if TMI but it’s so vulgar and disgusting to me. Not you, I mean the people who view women this way.
i don't think he was defending it i think he was meaning there are obviously a good side who denounces/condems sex trafficking of underage girls and the side that supports it (🤢🤮). meaning anyone who hems and haws on the matter is automatically on the bad side.
What kind of "man" ever thinks of anyone, let alone his daughter, like this?
Yuck. I apologize if TMI but it’s so vulgar and disgusting to me. Not you, I mean the people who view women this way.
And he was comfortable enough to place it inside her thigh.
Tells me everything.
No fence sitters
This picture isn’t real.
If Putin has this tape
That explains everything