By my reckoning, last Wednesday marked the first time that MPs have voted in favour of a bill to introduce proportional representation for elections to the Commons
A symbolic turning point?
A symbolic turning point?
But if in 2029 Reform get a majority of the seats in the HoC on ~30% of the vote (very possible under FPTP) the rejection of PR, despite public and party support, will sit very heavily on this government.
Minuses include the fact you get coalition govts that literally no one voted for, and sometimes tails wag dogs.
Party before country all the way.
so maybe yes
Is there a reason for that?
Startling new research reveals that this year’s General Election was the ‘most disproportionate ever’ with millions of votes wasted
A fine?
Followed by a bailiff or gaol time if not paid?
and it doesnt really produce stable government, does it
Would people vote green if it wasn't a protest vote?
How about ind candidates?
What is the point in a system where you don't know who your MP is until the party decides who will represent you?
We used it for the EU, how many people could name there MEP?
- PR increases voter participation, its fairer, as every vote counts
- the electorate get a voice in government avoiding dissent & frustration festering into violent protest
- bipartisanship and parties working together becomes an inherent part of daily government
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