Part of the neo-reactionary takeover plan that Thiel and Vance are helping effectuate is to shut down or greatly weaken universities and mass media. "Yarvin believes that real political power in the United States is held by something he calls "the Cathedral"...
"Yarvin has influenced some prominent Silicon Valley investors and Republican politicians, with venture capitalist Peter Thiel described as his "most important connection"." (Intro)
Oh boy. Honey. The heritage foundation got played like everyone else. They only used them to help get into office. We are stepping into phase too now baby: the butterfly revolution.
Gutting of ALL known education is ending. There is a reason trump is not backing down. He doesn't have too.
We can talk about whether universities like Stanford have sufficient endowments that they should not do this bc they don't need to -- I don't know if that's true. But more universities than not have nothing like Stanford's endowment. They are stealing our kids' futures.
Well... Make America Great Again is not going so well, is it? Cutting money for scientific research will throw back the US behind every other scientifically interested country. That will cost them a lot of money if they have to buy stuff elsewhere. We should add a stupidity tax on that stuff.
The thing is also that many scientists from Germany left for the US because of better conditions for research. I guess they'll leave and find a place elsewhere. Soon Trump can shove his Greencards up somewhere else.
Instead of arguing about endowment, stick to the facts. This is happening. Period. And if it's happening there then pay more attention to what that means for ever other university. You all gotta start looking at the bigger picture. You won't like it but u can't escape it.
Yep. Force college institutions to get smaller and close. The less educated we are the better for the new Reich. We are great and going along with all of this right? Right.
The less indoctrinated woth woke ideologies certainly the better! Perhaps a re-a just is required and a short time to gain perspective by Stanford et al.
And what is your ground for them being woke? The heritage foundation which is the absolute opposite of anything woke heils from there. Woke by definition simply means to be awake no? The problem lies in the people like yourself that prefer to stay asleep because it's easier to hate then understand.
Not the way neo-libs have hijacked language: It would be disingenuous for you to claim that is how ‘woke’ is used today. I believe you’re better than that.
Not all dems are extremist like not all rep are. It boils down to too much of anything is a bad thing. But to totally refusing to listen to another's opinion because it's woke or you don't agree is willful ignorance.
Horrified by the recent displays of left-wing extremism and anti-Semitism after the Islamist attacks on Israel on October 7th many prominent individual billionaire & millionaire donors have withdrawn support. Perhaps time for profs and students to take responsibility?
On principal it is the conclusion to be tolerant to that which we do not agree. To opposing sides. There is a very good article I can find if you want it that details how radical woke does indeed loop to harm itself but inclusion of harmful ideologies to which it fights but that is extremist
Very simply when students chant death slogans to any minority, and the leadership doesn’t steer the student body appropriately, specifically Jewish students who are as responsible for the leadership of their country as they are the Hamas leadership, that tells me they are woke
They just need to stop hiring DEI’s in their Investment Fund and up the 4.4% ROI for 2023…. How is that small a ROI possible in a bull market is beyond me. Even an S &P tracker would have done better!
lol…people are trashing a university that leads in innovation and research…meanwhile the richest man in the world has more money that all the ivys combined…and he makes cars
How many billions $$$ has Stanford students generated? For good or evil (Peter Thiel, Elizabeth Holmes) Stanford helped create the present. What’s next?
@August 31, 2023, Stanford University’s endowment was valued at $36.5 billion. (Yes Bn) This endowment comprises over 8,800 individual funds, with 75% designated for specific purposes, stipulated by donors. Perhaps S’ford’s asset management depart should get its finger out &grow it more than 4.4%?
And they canceled a plan set in motion 4 years ago to buy Notre Dame de Namur in Belmont because it was set to be a medical research campus but funding was cut under Trump.
Wealthy alumni don't give money to a university to pay for specific research projects. That is what federal grants are for. Endowments are used to fund laboratories, fellowships, chaired professor positions.
A lot of universities are pausing graduate student admissions too. Many graduate students do exciting new research while they are supported by federal grants.
Gutting of ALL known education is ending. There is a reason trump is not backing down. He doesn't have too.
Hurting them is definitely part of the heritage-libertarian game plan.
Strong work, Elonistan!!
Dip💩 Muskrat is doing a bang-up job.