Any physicians in those states should leave. The idea that one is criminally prosecuted for practicing appropriate medicine is shocking. Or all physicians can give hospitals 60 days notice that they will not practice. None of the hospitals in those states will have physicians.
2/2 and set up shop in another state, leaving my patients behind with an ever smaller pool of physician to choose from. Over worked, over insured doctors can ask for a premium when there aren't enough of them to go around,
1/2 I'm sure there are some supply/demand forces at work here. Were I a highly educated medical professional, I know that my skills would be sought after almost everywhere. I'd say "screw it" get the hell out of Texas...
Pro-life as in pro-incarceration. Sentencing healthcare providers for saving lives while simultaneously sentencing women to death without necessary care. Abominable.
Texas where I live takes the ultimate ridiculous stance on this matter endangering all women of child bearing ages. A woman's choice is between her, her doctor and God for electives, but when it's a medical need due to potential death of mother, the state needs to bow out!