Man. I love music. There’s so many wonderful little clues composers leave. I was listening to Mahler the other day thinking hm I wonder why he wrote this or that and why it sounds this way. Maybe he didn’t even know. But it’s fun to play within music because there’s no right or wrong. Not really.
When I was younger, I used to like him because of how great his trombone writing is, but I've really grown to appreciate the emotional expression in his works.
For me, I love it because in the context of stories it has so much unique potential, the ability of a leitmotif to bring a whole new angle to a story beat is pretty much unparalleled and the feeling can't really be emulated with just writing. It's why I love musical theatre to be honest.
And is the experience of music >= its neural correlate?
Man was bonkers in the best way you could be.
How do you mean?