Brexit is a long way down voter agendas because politicians won't talk about it.
If the negative effects of Brexit were explained in a loud clear voice every time each problem it caused arose, it would very quickly rocket up the agenda.
(As has happened - in a more twisted way - with immigration.)
If the negative effects of Brexit were explained in a loud clear voice every time each problem it caused arose, it would very quickly rocket up the agenda.
(As has happened - in a more twisted way - with immigration.)
According to what I have seen, re-joining would take around 10 years. (I may have got this wrong. If so, apologies).
So, this would mean Labour fighting the next GE on the intention to re-join. Could they win if faced with the "SURRENDER!!" headlines in the RW press?
But is my understanding of it taking ten years to re-join correct?
And, if it is correct, given the present state of criticism of Labour by the right-wing press, could Labour win an election on simply the promise of re-joining? Don't forget that by the next GE, no benefits would yet be seen.
They're deliberately not reopening the issue, but not to bring about the second order consequences you describe.
They're just incompetent and far too lazy to work through the detailed consequences.
Incompetent rather than evil. Smallest of mercies.
They WOULD care if they were presented with the reality of the situation. Instead, both main parties are colluding to hide it from voters.
It’s done. When your girlfriend’s chucked you, get a different girlfriend.
We are likelier to a shitty trade deal with Trump.
Putin is stronger with a divided Europe on his doorstep.
The NHS is understaffed.
Then the headbangers can keep their Brexit. All good.
The damage it has caused is ongoing, and by some measures increasing further.
That's like claiming a fire is done because it has been lit, without regard for the fact that the flames are still rising. We need to extinguish it before we can start rebuilding.
For Europe group.
U.K. has been torn apart since 2015. We need a stable period of doing boring stuff before we even tho k about opening those divisions any more.
I’m pretty sure that some serious talks with EU have already taken place.
There are plenty of votes in the "Remain/Regret/Did not vote in 2016/Could not vote in 2016"
camp to deliver a thumping majority IF they're harnessed and united.
But polls can be weirdly misleading on scissor issues. I personally know only two people who supported Brexit (and one of those has now emigrated). How many do you know?