We need to boost defence spending from 2.5% to 3% of GDP.
One way of paying for it would be to claw back (most of) the 4% of GDP we lost to Brexit.
It would of course pay for a swathe of other things too. Goodbye all that Austerity 2.0 nonsense.
But getting started MUST be the first step.
One way of paying for it would be to claw back (most of) the 4% of GDP we lost to Brexit.
It would of course pay for a swathe of other things too. Goodbye all that Austerity 2.0 nonsense.
But getting started MUST be the first step.
Important to distinguish between what we spend on Defence, what we spend on NATO, what we should spend on European Defence plans & what we pay/lend independently to Ukraine
The most important question would be how much we spend on British manufacturing & infrastructure that boosts this Defence effort?
In terms of NATO, European & their domestic defence capabilities, Trump is at least right when he says some countries like Belgium are going to have to do real heavy lifting compared to UK & France
There's a lot to think about.
We need a Civil Defence Corps asap. We need to reverse cuts to the Cadets immediately.
We must stop referring to "boots on the ground" when this means people.
Do we have control of Trident or are we so entangled with US intelligence, only the US can fire these warheads?