Yesterday I had to give up a job I enjoy doing & demote myself cos of a culture of unfairness that others are unwilling to change. One of the worst things about the male-dominated railway industry is when _other women_ in positions of power gatekeep/put other women down to keep the status quo.
I'm heartbroken to have had to give up my role as an instructor (we still have only a handful of women representing the grade). 💔
Just gutted.
My name has been deleted from the list (almost overnight) of available instructors as 'a last minute correction'.
No 'thanks for all your contributions'.
No exit interview/conversation to ask what can be done better.
Even more comical is a line manager who asked me this morning in passing if I was available next week (as they need a driving day out on the road to keep their emergency train driving licence) and I nearly choked on my coffee.
The air of resignation is stale, to the point of suffucation.