A young comrade unexpectedly lost their father recently. If you have a little extra, they can really use support to cover burial and other costs associated with his passing. Any amount is welcome: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-raynise-in-mourning?utm_medium=email&utm_source=product&utm_campaign=p_email%2B4803-donation-alert-v5
(I'm estimating based on my dad's service in 2004. We had no money, so we had to go the cheap route. Cremation, the cheapest urn, and his plot had been purchased decades prior. Still cost $6000.)
1. “Not to pour salt in the wound” my ass. You typed this insensitive shit up and hit “post”, own it.
2. Like any insurance, life insurance will FIGHT to not pay. My mom nearly lost out on my stepdad’s $$$ due to manner of death, and they didn’t pay until well after he was buried.
Social Security does not give recipients enough to live on. Just another way that this country and capitalism kill people.