There's an extra layer to his assholitude, too. Look at the young woman. She's wearing all black and has a tear visible- this young lady is in mourning, and this asswipe is trying to shoot his shot.
Had to block a few of those earlier. I can't imagine being that desperate for attention and devoid of any semblance of a life. Their candidate "won" the election, yet they're still slithering about harassing people.
I have a full list of blocked and reported accounts and i’ve had blue sky for a few weeks now. They need to slither back whence they came (ahem, twitter). And we need to show them that they have no home here.
That's nice, my name is Echo, Echo Sackett and Americans don't own people anymore, sir, unless their criminals of course. You aren't a criminal are ya, sir? It wouldn't be proper, me talking to a criminal.
If by “owning the libs” they mean completely ignoring all logic and resorting to calling people sex offenders when they are intellectually outmatched, then yeah, sure, they’re owning the libs 🙄
Looking at the picture and the quote, it seems to me a warning that ill intentioned X users are coming to infiltrate bluesky. Be careful who you follow and the information you are sharing.
Ev with them I'm very much liking how little toxic is here compared to twitter
Cried about not being heard, Got elected, Then prosecuted opposing parties.
Tell me you are not who I think you are?! 🤷♂️🤣
Does this post ring any bells? 😉😉