Wow. So my “look” is “too large extent a reflection of one’s character” and wearing a suit blazer showing nothing whatsoever makes me look like a “bimbo” apparently🤨
What would you like me to do to please you? Dye my hair black, not wear any makeup, wear baggy sweats??? What?!?!
What would you like me to do to please you? Dye my hair black, not wear any makeup, wear baggy sweats??? What?!?!
Seriously why do people need to criticise looks, i look awful but i don't mind.
Get over it folks.
Oh... and don't change a thing about yourself.
Instead of stating you are the manifestation of the ideal conservative woman, but you think for yourself and carve your own path without mandates from men.
Their projection is so obvious.
There is nothing wrong with your look!
You look amazing!
Let’s not mention this to my wife
Dude's just mad his cousin/sister got hitched.
I can't imagine the messages you get that you DON'T share. 🙄🙄
They’re either jealous or miserable in life . Pity them.
If it didn't get to you yet, I apologize. This is not who I am and I don't know how I got the idea to write something so insulting.
It was a brainfart I made when I was sleepy and didn't think clearly. I'm truly, sincerely sorry.
take a moment to reflect - 'I don't trust how you look' is straight out of the maga handbook 😉
There's no point in thinking about your transgressions with clean hair and a blazer on.
When I see an account that is racist, bigoted, sexist, pro-patriarchy and more, I'll add them to the blocklist for everyone. Or DM me.
Its WAAAY better than Twitter!!
You can tag or DM me and I'll catch them up as soon as I can.
Why the fuck do people not only judge women’s appearances, but, and this is the part where I get rage-y, FEEL COMPELLED TO COMMENT ON IT, ESPECIALLY TO THE PERSON THEY ARE JUDGING?!?!?!?!?! 🤬
This rarely happens to men.
Did I just compare that guy with those MAGA folks? Maybe 😏
As Rodney King said, can’t we all just get along?
I understand they think it’s a compliment, but it reinforces that our appearance is what they notice & it assigns value to it.
We have 2 daughters and 2 granddaughters. We try to do the same thing. Unfortunately they, and all women, still face a world in which much of their feedback is just wrong.
But as the independent, liberal mom of 17 & 19 yr old girls, I turn from Bruce Banner into the Hulk the second I sniff out sexism and misogyny.
The only saving grace is guys like him have self- identified as big losers. A zero not worth your time
K from T can be pretty AND smart
Love you sister!