or walked hundreds of thousands of miles to reach the United States. The irony is those immigrants have a better understand of being both Pro-Life and American Ideals than the MAGA.
"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own."
"If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked."
They will never stop "pretending"/lying. We all need to see who these ppl really are, this is a surreal moment, we all need to take heed, THEY ARE BAD PPL. #magaFascism
Not to mention the Hell they force the unwanted children to go through and the suicide rate of them
Does that show you have any care at all for human suffering?
take care of the issues before you force them to become sex slaves, drug addicts, criminals and curse themselves to death for being alive
Once that child is born and added to the GDP, those who decry abortion couldn't care less about that child after birth.
American Sharia Law.
Your oppression is their profession
I have to wonder, at what point will Trump supporters realize that, THEY, are the ones destroying our country? I'm sure it will be too late. I think it already is.
Just a thought... What if this was all a rouse to pass the leaked information obtained by DOGE to Russia as a bargaining chip for negotiations, show power over American people, and bring Putin an early Christmas gift of a fallen government? AMERICA VS SWASTIKAR AKA MAGA! https://youtu.be/LUZWiQF2xYY?si=Fs-0LaB_Y4O-McwN
The crimes against humanity throughout history have been carried out by self-centered Godless people! And, instead of improving lives within one’s corner or across the globe, pure evil has widely spread. In some cases, has joined forces at arms length! Will infection be difficult to contain?
you don’t know crap about the real perpetrators of crimes.There is ZERO basis for your pithy slander. Feelings do not = facts. Charlemagne rode through Europe &murdered all pagans he found. Man created god in his own image, a violent god telling his followers to smash babies against the rocks
I'll put my atheistic morality against the religious hypocrisy of any denomination, any day.
Organized religion is the biggest impediment to progress ever devised & imposed on humanity.
Science, Art, Freedom, Knowledge. All historically suppressed and shunned by bigoted religious zealots & fools.
Just self-centered people. Many used God as justification. Examples - Spanish inquisition, Dutch revolt, Crusades. Invoking religion to spread dominance should always be looked at skeptically.
Those people you call Godless are actually backed by their religions. Yes, I agree they're Godless but they have their church's backing who turn a blind eye.
You are absolutely correct. But, how would you classify people who take heightened pleasure in other people’s misery?
It is happening as we correspond with each other on these air space pages.
It has been happening in Texas for a long time, & other states.
Be safe.
Not true. Religions are man-made, created with INTENT to indoctrinate the masses to their misogynistic ideology, ignoring, silencing womens EQUALLY valuable input which has created an imbalance where ONLY mens interests, rights are protected.
I would like to see every member of the GOP Congress sent down to the Colombian side of the Darian Gap and be dropped of with a little bit of cash and an extra pair of shoes and have them try to make it to the US.
Then we'll see if the have the courage that those immigrants do.
Left the church over this, actually. Priest spitting hellfire about immigrants, spoke to him afterwards and asked what about the verses calling for “Peace to the foreigner, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt,” and he said “It’s a different time.” I left thinking, “Well not THAT different.”
The hypocrisy leaves you breathless it's so vast. When we apply the same "It's a different time" to women's reproductive healthcare or women in the pulpit, all of a sudden, it's not a different time. The cherry picking is sure sign that their hypocrisy if off the charts.
This! Anti-abortionists are NOT pro-lifers. I’ll say it a million times - pro-lifers care about ALL life in ALL stages from hungry elementary students to grandparents living off SSI and everything in between regardless of nationality, race, gender, etc.
James Tate
Feb 16
He got away with murder staging his own assassination. He gets aways with everything and I am sick and tired of it. And the people that know like Putin and Elon can blackmail him with this knowledge.🤬
Food for thought …and for those who go to that House every Sunday or Saturday night or Wednesday night do they recall ‘See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.’ ???
His parents fled to save him. After walking miles and knocking at many doors, they found refuge in a barn. However, maga pseudo-christians think the story is about lights and shopping.
Wow. This is definitely the most powerful image I’ve seen today. My heart absolutely breaks. The kind of pain absolutely leaps off the screen and slaps me in the face. I just … wow.
These people aren't Christians, they are hiding behind the vale of Christianity to be cruel yet explain it was in the name of God, Jesus loves all his children PERIOD, and anyone who tells you differently is truly evil!!!
what kind of world do we want to live in? a world that cares about living, breathing humans? or a world that cares about invisible entities that 'love' obedient, unquestioning bipedal primates?
There were no Venezuelan refugees before Trump. Because Venezuela wouldn't give up their oil industry to the American petrol cartels, Trump cut off all economic ties with the nation with the world's largest oil reserves. He destroyed their economy.
I was burned out by religion at a young age. Went to a 'calvary church', and it was so scorched earth and bizarre. Not after reading Atwood's The Testaments, I see it for what it was/is: Gilead!! The minister and officials sure had a like of young girls there!🤦
I'm not the most PC person and I'm not in agreement with the left on everything, but I don't think I could actively turn away people just trying to live their lives.
Instead of thinking of the worst example why not the best?
Thank you for stating the reality of the way the Republicans think so clearly and how they are acting in the name of Religion! Don't forget they are going to RAID churches now too.
We need to ask the Republican Religous right,
Is this what Jesus would do and how he would want you to treat people?
I have countless potential humans in my testicles so I want to deduct all of these dependents off my taxes. Doesn’t matter that I got a vasectomy, I can reverse it and set them free anytime. 💰💰💰
I'm trying to figure out how I, who could maybe generously be described as an agnostic, am arguing for mercy for asylum seekers while so many of the people with the fish stickers I have known don't mind if these people die.
Not seeing the Jesus in those Christian literalists anymore.
I’m an ordained minister. But fuck religious leaders. I believe in the creator. This planet is full of hate because of them. Spirits are real. Religion is not.
AMEN.!...I've always said that...
The courage it takes to walk for days & nights in all types of weather. Survive rape, robbery & assaults. To Protect your children and all for what.?
But that's what a parents do for their children's dream....No limit.!
I don't think I could do that.!
I can't believe the party of Law and Order has turned into a MAGA cesspool of white male evangelical spineless worms and their Stepford female constituents.Think Collins & Murkowski.Meanwhile their chosen King is once again doing the only thing he is good at pulling off the world's biggest THEFT.
"Christian Nationalists" keep forgetting Jesus was a brown-skinned Jew, and his last words before he left this earth were "Go into all the world, preaching the good news to all nations."
He didn't say "just go to Europe" or "go to all the white people, and hate or oppress or banish the brown ones."
We are being told #rights don't matter when they say they don't.
You're a person when they say you are.
But also we're told that food, water, & shelter are a luxury only a few deserve.
My fellow people, we must #champion a #better #world!
Much of US Christianity is not a humanitarian religion, it’s cult of hate for the other.
"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own."
"If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked."
Does that show you have any care at all for human suffering?
take care of the issues before you force them to become sex slaves, drug addicts, criminals and curse themselves to death for being alive
That’s how they act when they’re winning. Miserable lost people
wonder if they have ANY mirrors in their homes
American Sharia Law.
Your oppression is their profession
So some can earn a buck by funding research into the vast majority being bad statistics.
Whether the white southafrican in the Oval Office has it for a religion or as a racist slur, is irrelevant to him as a deity 🤬
Organized religion is the biggest impediment to progress ever devised & imposed on humanity.
Science, Art, Freedom, Knowledge. All historically suppressed and shunned by bigoted religious zealots & fools.
So many popes.
Like we saw Trump holding a bible upside-down because he is clueless of religious thought.
It was blasphemy. But who is paying attention?
It is happening as we correspond with each other on these air space pages.
It has been happening in Texas for a long time, & other states.
Be safe.
RELIGIONS = Misogyny = World CHAOS.
Her a quote that went something like this, (forgot the exact quote):
"What horrors were left behind that would make a parent escape and risk their child's life'
Then we'll see if the have the courage that those immigrants do.
Jesus & myself returned as women & marry soon.
Malachi 3:8 is telling anyone that sold the gospel to return the money.
Matthew 19:12 says God prefers same-sex marriage.
World peace is coming; those that remain live FOREVER.
Anyone in fake churches will be raptured w/ the rest of the false prophets & MAGA soon.
Everyone else will celebrate.
Fake ministers know God will destroy the land until they return the money & tell everyone God prefers same-sex marriage.
Feb 16
He got away with murder staging his own assassination. He gets aways with everything and I am sick and tired of it. And the people that know like Putin and Elon can blackmail him with this knowledge.🤬
Today religion is often used as a shield to mask racism and hatred.
Neither of these elements are Dogma in any religion.
No85dy is really going to change their minds. They'll either switch off be turned off or sink deeper into the Righteousness of their position.
Nothing to do with religion and all about science.
I give you America’s Christians
Praise the Lord
And fuck off
How we treat Migrant families is how we treat Christ
I was burned out by religion at a young age. Went to a 'calvary church', and it was so scorched earth and bizarre. Not after reading Atwood's The Testaments, I see it for what it was/is: Gilead!! The minister and officials sure had a like of young girls there!🤦
Instead of thinking of the worst example why not the best?
We need to ask the Republican Religous right,
Is this what Jesus would do and how he would want you to treat people?
They went back to Iraq because his mother was dying, and there they remain, as far as we know.
Not seeing the Jesus in those Christian literalists anymore.
He who hates his neighbor hates Jesus.
The courage it takes to walk for days & nights in all types of weather. Survive rape, robbery & assaults. To Protect your children and all for what.?
But that's what a parents do for their children's dream....No limit.!
I don't think I could do that.!
Just Keep Calling them Racist
It makes them feel Shame
Trust ME
Everytime Biden or Obama tried to “take care of our own” all they did was try and railroad it
To worship false idols breaks the 4th commandment directly, yet,
I wish Americans had voted for a person with a couple more brain cells.
Intellectually challenged people are a bitch to work with on all fronts..
He didn't say "just go to Europe" or "go to all the white people, and hate or oppress or banish the brown ones."