Trump’s Dream Project: Why stop at a gold-plated apartment when you can have a 24K gold-plated Mount Rushmore? Because nothing says "humble leader" like blinding tourists with your face in solid gold.
Also parents: "America needs to invade Canada because Ukraine's DEI policies are transgendering our children into fentanyl trafficking terrorists from Mexico!"
I remember my parents thinking our music was devil music,the clothes we wore looked like hookers etc etc. Every Generation has something that people thought was the cause of this or the cause of that
I remember my mother thinking that. My Republican father took me to protest for women’s rights and civil rights and never told my mother! I must say he didn’t appreciate it when I wouldn’t wear a bra. 😂😂😂✌🏽
Sure, but video game obsession/addiction absolutely played a role in TFG getting elected. Bannon tapped into that demographic. Both times. They were also instrumental in resuscitating a severely declining firearms market by partnering w/manufacturers to place AR15s in games & make them cool AF.
South African owned Fox News was and is Tokyo Rose on steroids. Fox News has been intentionally broadcasting lies in an effort to destroy our democracy.
Like all the people telling me 30
years ago that running would ruin my knees (it didn’t) that have either had knee replacements because of obesity or amputation due to diabetes.
I’m probably older than your parents. Never watched faux news nor have I ever been on Facebook. Thank you for understanding all old folks aren’t alike.
I go back farther and say it was MTV and a lightbulb. Kids being parents having kids. Working 2 or more minimal jobs with no business having kids in the first place.
True. This also applies to liberals who are completely brainwashed to believe the democratic party is in any way progressive when the dems are a pro war, anti worker corporate owned republican lite.
I know someone at work whose Fire-breathing Fox-Viewing MAGA dad was glued to the TV daily. He finally croaked. The mom’s blood pressure issues were gone within a month.
So fucking true. Since my dad passed in 2019, my mom doesn’t watch tv. No more Fox News. She has become mostly apolitical and no longer votes. I consider this a small victory.
Fox news is a maggot ridden pack of lies that was created to enthral the lower non reading, purely visually amused, lowest class gentry, during the time of truthful news being continually attacked by billionaires and other crooks.
EG "truth isn't truth" lies.
Being a horror movie fan gave me a keen sense of why sociopaths and psychopaths should be avoided, and some tips on how to recognize them while watching Fox News gave conservative Christians the impression that "paths" are the best people in a society.
I was one who joined when all my friends ceased email, chat, phone and snailmail. For a long time I stayed to stay connected to them then I left. FB is not a healthy place.
I find it amazing they were so afraid of tech (remember those how to use MS office classes?) and after smartphone and FB disinformation they are glued and reprogrammed by social media echo chamber.
I’m gen Z and saw Trump for what he was from day 1. What Fox did to my older siblings and most of my other genZ friends is unforgivable.
It’s truly maddening they can’t see they’ve been conned.
I've never watched Fox. How can they call it Fox News when they say they are a entertainment
Channel? Shouldn't there be a statement saying they are liars?
Also parents: "America needs to invade Canada because Ukraine's DEI policies are transgendering our children into fentanyl trafficking terrorists from Mexico!"
years ago that running would ruin my knees (it didn’t) that have either had knee replacements because of obesity or amputation due to diabetes.
G-d help us all.
But I agree with you! 🤣
How many times must we tell it ...
2012 - 2022:
It wasn't always that bad though, it has been for awhile
EG "truth isn't truth" lies.
It’s truly maddening they can’t see they’ve been conned.
True back then.
True now.
When will decent Americans do something about it?
Channel? Shouldn't there be a statement saying they are liars?