You know what’s appalling about all of this? When Hitler came to power, the media tried to hold him to account. Until he took over the media and jailed them all.
Our corrupt media oligarchs just hand kumquat Caligula the keys to the kingdom with not so much as a whimper.
Absolutely disgusting.
One day the Trump era will be regarded with the cringing horror of Watergate, and CNN will wonder where their audience went. They'll hunt for scapegoats—blame their anchors, blame their marketing, blame their fickle viewers. What they won't do is trace their downfall back to their butt-licking CEO.
I don’t, for many months now, and I used to watch all their main anchors like Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, Erin Burnett, Dana Bash, Laura Coates (who was like a breath of fresh air until she got polluted!), John Berman, Anderson Cooper, etc.
When everyone knows the most powerful man in the world is crazier then any of the current dictators this is what happens. They all cowering to this lunatic out of fear. Democracy truly maybe doomed this go round
They still think this is all about greed. They’re blissfully unaware that’s it’s all about the billionaire obsession with Eugenics and Social Darwinism. Even when the bodies start piling up they’ll plane it as a byproduct of greed and won’t accept that the thinning of the herd is the point. Not $$$
That headline makes it read as though Jim Acosta is widely seen as appeasing Trump. I had to read it over 4 times before I figured it out. Jim Acosta has really toned down from what he used to be, and he still gets sidelined. When is CNN going to stop sabotaging itself by being more rightwing?
Thank you for stating this. He used to annoy the devil out of me in the WH news room. Then he came up on my timeline, and I started to follow him. I watched his interviews with folks from all sides. I believe that this man will not back down for anyone. This ladies and gents is the good guy. Js
Bowing to pressure from drumpf’s administration. Watch out, people! Big Brother is watching/remembering & the media goes first! Acosta is the best CNN has & he has always ruffled drumpf’s feathers. As 4 me, I’ve been boycotting CNN since the town hall w/the orange one. #NeverCNN #drumpfsRevenge
When and where will Jim Acosta be? I will follow Jim and his programming! I welcome his honesty and desire for the truth to be told and his willingness to challenge others to do the same…
I watch Jim Acosta daily and record his shows. I will continue to do so whatever time slot he has! If he is fired, I will never watch anything on CNN again; it will be like Fox.
Not this, now?! The free press is the last bastion to protect democracy and the deplorable cult know it. Grow a set and lock hands instead of silencing a representative of the truth. If he goes, so do I, and legions of up till now - loyal viewers.
As a viewer media has failed us since before 2016. Trumpey was in full view, his criminality, his selfish evil personality, his greedy, his loyalty to foreign governments....all of it. But because the Presidency is deemed untouchable, here you all are.... in Hell.
CNN easily gave Trump enough help in 2016 for him to win, and start this nightmare. Whether this is for ratings or more likely flat out appeasement, it doesn't matter. Their goal is not news anymore. That is a side quest at best, which can be sacrificed as required by management.
Classic. Abusive bosses always target the one employee that everyone would have thought was untouchable. This is how they make everyone shake in their boots because if that person can be treated so badly, then of course no one else has a chance.
Yes, classic! Trump just used a similar tactic by having Johnson turf Mike Turner from the House Intel Committee. By all accounts he was conscientious and effective in that role. But apparently didn’t demonstrate enough fealty to dear leader. Guess Turner is too honest and moral for Trumps liking!
Its time to hit back at the sponsers of these networks. Follow the money, lower their ratings by tuning out. Let their advertisers know you are not buying because they advertise on CNN. They need to be hit in the wallet.
He’s a pure warrior and probably has an iron clad contract for a few years so they placed him in the basement rather than lose money firing him. You know the OBEY part. CNN is owned by a MAGA supporter
This is discouraging. Talk about network that’s gone off the rails. I’m really beginning to wonder if we’ll pull out of this slide. My only hope is that in two years folks that voted their pocket book - this sounds harsh- feel the pain enough to show these MAGA cretans out.
We stopped watching CNN when it was obvious they started kissing Trumps Ring.
As good decent people leave, the future of Trump state media - they can create truthful and honest ways to spread the truth - Media had a huge hand in normalizing Trump - and helping him gain legitimate traction here.
Have the establishment on the left not realized that the last 4 years of BS like Acosta ruined us? Hes lucky they don’t fire him. We voters would like to fire you all before the republicans can even get ahold of you. You’ve forever damaged us.
Acosta is the very best CNN has to offer. A true newsman - thoughtful, exceedingly well prepared, incisive and unafraid. He should be hosting Sunday's "State of the Union". If these rumors are accurate, it's just one more alarming indication the degree to which the press is capitulating...
12 midnight on the East Coast is 9 PM on the West Coast, so not that late for everybody who hasn't already given up on CNN (including obnoxious Scott Jennings).
But yes, the 'rationale' = appeasement for the timeslot change is pretty obvious.
excellent they are dumping Rachel on a spinoff related channel they prefer that pinhead Trump apologist Katy Tur during their prime time hours- ugh we are doomed
Good God. Is Donald such a snowflake that he can't abide anyone around him who doesn't bow and scrape to him, or pretend to believe his utter bullshit?
Thank you, Jennifer for the info.
Jim Acosta always stood up against the #PirateOfPotomac when at the WH and has continued to #StandUpAndSpeakOut at CNN.
Thank you Jim Acosta ⚖️🏆
This is Corporatism at it’s best. The captain protecting the mothership. I think the mythology of the media “doing the right thing,” the protectors of democracy, died some time ago. The final reckoning of the Gordan Gekko era…greed is good.
We all know why this is being done and who the, “New Talent”, will be that CNN gives a show to. Drumroll please……Welcome Scott Jennings. CNN is sycophant trash!
The corrupt corporate media sold out America, and they're going to *continue* selling us out
Right ?
YOU TWO were a big part of the sane-washing and normalizing
Pay cuts next?
Let’s see if news outlets figure this out with a second presidency.
Our corrupt media oligarchs just hand kumquat Caligula the keys to the kingdom with not so much as a whimper.
Absolutely disgusting.
Snap him up NBC and send Morning Joe packing.
#ETTD is still the rule, and they won't be any sort of exception
Jim @Acosta is the ONLY thing I watch on CNN!
His program is the only thing WORTH watching on CNN!
It warrants a 💔.
But, thanks for sharing.
Classic. Abusive bosses always target the one employee that everyone would have thought was untouchable. This is how they make everyone shake in their boots because if that person can be treated so badly, then of course no one else has a chance.
As good decent people leave, the future of Trump state media - they can create truthful and honest ways to spread the truth - Media had a huge hand in normalizing Trump - and helping him gain legitimate traction here.
Anderson is the only one worthy of my time.
I don’t think this move is going to have the effect CNN or the 🍊🤡thinks it’s going to have. These are the hours that the 🤡 is up!
But yes, the 'rationale' = appeasement for the timeslot change is pretty obvious.
Jim Acosta always stood up against the #PirateOfPotomac when at the WH and has continued to #StandUpAndSpeakOut at CNN.
Thank you Jim Acosta ⚖️🏆