Shout out to Visa for including your mention of making a Bluesky in the "What you like sucks" clip otherwise it would have taken me much longer to find out you had made an account here since I stopped using Twitter.
I literally just got done watching Josh's truth bomb rant on Learning = learning how to fail. And I was like
"For the Love of God, let this man be in Blue Sky", 😰
and here he is! 😱
Sorry Josh, I believe the arc of time has a contractual obligation to label this as "an eventuality" (Though I do agree it'd be nice if it stays Blue Sky forever. Very optimistic name).
"For the Love of God, let this man be in Blue Sky", 😰
and here he is! 😱
You Should Fail via @YouTube
It is the new norm
Happy to say hi
But where's your uniform?
Also I've watched your videos so much I can totally read this in your voice 😂