The point of this sign sucks enough, why the hell did they also have to make it terribly designed? What on earth is that typography? Why do the cars look like that?
Vehicles are tools that, when misused, can cause death. The person operating the machine is responsible for not killing people, not the person walking!
I will say I’m shocked how often I see pedestrians blindly walk into a crosswalk with headphones in without checking. I hate that we design our cities the way we do which prioritizes car speed over pedestrian safety.
I mean, it effectively communicates - this is not a safe place to walk and cars will not slow down for you. Maybe vehicular manslaughter is not a crime in Kirkland?
Cars - please drive roughly the speed limit or whatever and the most aggressive of you get to go first. Stop signs mean “slow down sorta,” yield signs don’t exist, and anything not actively visually assaulting you can be ignored. Also, post/text/whatevs
This blows. I know the saying “the cemetery is full of people who were in the right” but goddamit we can’t just pretend it’s entirely on pedestrians to not get killed by drivers. It’s similar to saying women are responsible not to get SA’d.
Note the newly poured gracious corners for motorists don’t match the more acutely angled pedestrian-friendly corners on the sign.
Kirkland ❤️'s to optimize for intersection Level of Service over ped safety. The council even voted for a slip lane downtown at the new pedestrian scramble! 😔
This looks like the very scary corners of NE 116th St. and 98th Ave. NE. The gentle, long curves of the right-hand turn lanes make it hard to see peds, and few obey the flashing led warning light nor the NO TURN ON RED sign.
They also didn’t manage to turn the obvious Park Lane into a pedestrian street ( but they poured $$ into a full study of it).
They need to do better to be friendlier to people downtown.
Pedestrians - look out!
Kirkland ❤️'s to optimize for intersection Level of Service over ped safety. The council even voted for a slip lane downtown at the new pedestrian scramble! 😔