A free & fair democracy no longer exists
66,000 fake accounts & paid for tic tok post shares
Declassified information from Romania's intel agencies reveals sudden rise of populist hard-right candidate Calin Georgescu in first round of last month’s presidential election was "not a natural outcome"
66,000 fake accounts & paid for tic tok post shares
Declassified information from Romania's intel agencies reveals sudden rise of populist hard-right candidate Calin Georgescu in first round of last month’s presidential election was "not a natural outcome"
Read: “Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World" by Anne Applebaum
It's a mystery, for sure.
He has no charisma and is as stupid as a plank.
Very likely a Russian asset, activated in 2021 after 10 years as a sleeper agent in Austria.
Even if elected, Parliament can easily remove him and if there is sufficient evidence against him he’ll be jailed.
Never give up
Never give in
Get up everyday and believe there are more good people
People bully and scream
When you lose your temper you lose control & can’t think..
Keep your head, breathe, stay calm, carefully plan your objective.
Ukraine he plans to remove all
support 😞
Breaking update on above. Romania's constitutional court has cancelled the presidential election annulling the 1st round which saw Calin Georgescu, an unknown far-right Nato-sceptic who previously praised Vladimir Putin, win the most votes
Process to be started from scratch
No proof, no connection with any state named, just a "hint"...
You: RuSsIa BaD!!1!
You're not brainwashed, you're brain DEAD.