How patients on TikTok are expressing their experience and critique of harsh, biased communication by their doctors (and what to do about it)
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As a person almost 40 years in care for chronic condition…I have NEVER felt like the medical system was built for me as the patient. It serves itself and protects the physician.
They don’t say chemo patients are “non-compliant” when they cannot tolerate the chemo… they actually won’t continue the treatment bc of the severe side effects
and now that documentation is 70% billing and 20% metrics and 3% legal and 2% timestamps
we can choose to make the last 5% "make the patient feel better when they read it" scoring/metrics/admin overreach OR preserve the last non-garbage 5% to actually convey diagnosis and treatment plans
My experience has been that the specialists see you as a piece of meat where my GP treats me like a human.
Some research:
Thick Blood Due to Factor V Leiden and Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) High Phytanic Acid Levels and Muscle Dysfunction: